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Will pov:
I was driving to Nico's place to pick him up for brunch. I parked in the parking lot and texted him saying I was there. About three minutes later he exits the building and enters my car.

"Hey Will," he says seeming more chirpy than usual.

"Hey Nico," I say pulling onto the road. My music was playing and I was singing along. I looked over at Nico and saw his face scrunched up. "What's wrong? You look constipated."

"Your music is totally sucking right now," he says like it's very obvious. I was offended by this personally.

"How dare you! Fishing in the Dark is an amazing song," I say flabbergasted by his complete lack of taste.

He just stares at me, "No."

"Whatever, if you don't like it play your own music then!" I say. I wasn't actually offended by him not liking my songs but come on. Who doesn't love a good country song?

"Ok I will," he plugs in his phone and then his playlist starts. The first thing that plays was some song in another language.

"Wait, this is actually a bop. I'm gonna guess this is Italian?" I say nodding my head along to the song.

He nods his head, "Yep! It's called Nostalgia by BLANCO. He's one of my favorite Italian artists."

I nod and we continue to listen to his playlist. It isn't bad we had some similar artist and songs but what we had different was definitely the complete opposite of each other. I liked country and he liked emo/rock music.

I turn down the radio, "Hey so since we're with my friends I can't warn you as well when I'm gonna kiss you so I was wondering if we should make a signal?"

"Oh yeah. That's a good idea. Just like tap my hand with your finger twice," he says with a blush.

He was so adorable. Maybe one day I'll be able to kiss him without warning. Ok that sounded kinda weird, I just mean we'll be together and comfortable with each other. Not in a weird type way.

"Ok! I'll do that then," I park the car, "I'm gonna kiss you when all my friends get here. So here's the first warning."

He turns bright red at that. "Goodness gracious! You're so straightforward about that."

I laugh, "Just letting you now."

I get out of the car and opened the door for him. He gets out of my truck and I hold my hand out for him and he grabs it. We walk into the lobby with me swinging our hands back and forth.  All my friends were all ready there so the waitress set us down at a table. I pull out Nico's chair for him and he thanks me. I kiss his cheek as I sit down next to him in my chair

"Hey guys!" I was feeling on cloud nine. I know Nico and I aren't actually together but I was just so happy.

"Hey Will! And Nico," says Kayla. She knew Nico a little better than the other two from when she went to my apartment that one day.

"Hello," he says with a slight wave. I could tell he was nervous so I grab his hand under the table. I see him show a small smile.

"So what have y'all been up to?" I ask trying to get the conversation going. I didn't want this to be awkward but I also didn't want to exclude Nico.

"Nothing much," Cecil shrugs, "just school mostly. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Same," said Lou. "I've worked some but that's all. But for real when did we see you last?"

"I guess when you meet Nico. Gosh, I didn't realize it's been that long," I say. I couldn't believe it had actually been that long.

"Except for me I saw you a few days ago," said Kayla. I saw Nico blush a little at that and it made me chuckle.

"What? And we weren't invited?" Cecil says with a joking tone.

"It was supposed to be a surprise visit but instead I was surprised," she says laughing.

Nico smiles at her comment and finally speaks up, "I was surprised too."

"Wait, what? Tell us what happened," Lou says wanting to know what was going on.

So Kayla tells the story of how she found Nico in my bed. Nico adds in comments every now and then. My other friends and I laugh at the story.

By the time it was over we all ordered brunch. We all ended up ordering breakfast foods though. Nico had chocolate chip pancakes, Lou chose strawberry pancakes, Cecil wanted plain pancakes with eggs and bacon, Kayla got a waffle, then finally I got biscuits and gravy with hash browns.

"You choose biscuits and gravy over a pancake?" Nico asks looking betrayed by my decision.

"It's the best breakfast food besides cereal!" I insist.

"Hmm," he hums, "I'll remember that then."

Not really sure why he wants to remember that but all my brain is saying is: He wants to remember because he wants to make you breakfast forever. And boy did I hope my brain was right.

"What do you disagree?" I said.

"Duh, obviously cinnamon rolls are the best then pancakes," he says with a joyful glint in his eyes.

"Oh, wait. You're right about cinnamon rolls. I forgot about them, they are definitely the best," I say wishing they had them on the menu.

I look over to friends seeing them watch us with smirks on their faces. I just blush when I see their looks, hopefully Nico doesn't notice the sudden redness to my face.

"So," Cecil starts, "Nico what made you choose the majors you did?"

"I choose to study film because it allows me to use meraki when creating my movies. And then I just like the thought of being able to understand anyone I come across," he says with a slight smile. I could tell he was still nervous with all the attention on him.

We all kinda stare at him until Lou asks, "What does meraki mean?"

And I'm glad she asks because I had no idea either.

"It's a Greek word that means to do something with soul, creativity, or love while putting some of yourself into your work," Nico tells us.

We all nod our heads in understanding. At least it was a Greek word so it wasn't something I should have known.

The waiter came over to us, "Y'all ready for the check? And is it all on one?"

"Oh no I'm by myself and so are they," said Kayla.

"We're together," I say. The waiter nods and walks to go get the checks.

I pay for our breakfast and go we all leave the restaurant. Today was actually pretty great. I'm glad Nico got along with my friends cause that means we can hang out together more.

Okie dokie artichokies, that's the end of this one! I hope you liked it!! I enjoyed writing this one. Same thing as always, leave suggestions, corrections, or ideas! Love you all so so much.

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