
69 4 6

Nico pov:
I wake up to my phone ringing and knocking on my door. Let's just say this wasn't a pleasant start to my day. I grab my phone and start to head towards my apartment door.

I answer the phone, "Hello?"

"Answer the door!" Will says. I open the door to see him standing there smiling at me.

I look down at my phone to check the time and then look back at him, "It's an hour earlier than you said you would pick me up! What do you want?"

He just keeps smiling and walks past me into my apartment, "I'm just so excited to go home. I couldn't fall back asleep when I woke up this morning and then I was bored. So I came here thinking that we could get breakfast and coffee before we go to the airport!"

I scowled at him, "Yeah, ok. Let me get dressed."

I walk to my bedroom and start to get dressed. It's so early it's not even funny. Obviously I'm happy that Will wants to hangout but why not later in the day?

'At least I get coffee' I think while double checking I have everything I need for the trip. I grab my suitcase, charger, and phone walking back to my living room. Will is sitting on my couch with his phone and when he hears me he looks up at me.

He stands up and takes my suitcase from me. "I'll get it," he says.

"No, I got it," not wanting him to carry it for me because I am perfectly capable to.

He just shakes his head, "I want to."

I just nod and let him take it. It's too early to argue much more than that. We walk to the elevator and ride it down to the garage. We're taking his car to the airport where we'll leave it until we come back.

We arrive at a café by my house and go inside. I order a triple shot expresso and a cinnamon roll while Will orders jasmine tea and a bagel. We receive our oder and sit down to eat it quickly.

"Will, are you sure it's ok that this is what I'm wearing to meet your parents?" I question looking at my black wide legged sweatpants and navy blue t-shirt compared to his white linen pants and purple sweatshirt.

"Of course! They don't care what you wear Nico. Plus we are going to be on an airplane, what else would you wear?" he says.

I just nod and we finish our breakfast. We walk to the truck and make our way to the airport.
We finally sit down in our seats on the plane. I get the window seat and Will in the middle so I won't have to sit next to a stranger. The flight attendants start going over the safety procedures and the captain speaks over the loud speaker.

I finally feel the panic catching up with me. I haven't flown in a long time because it's not my favorite thing in the world, at all. Will notices my nerves and grabs my hand to get my attention. I look at him and he smiles and moves the hair out of my eyes.

I want to calm down, I really do but I can't. The plane is too big but at least I'm near the window and not the aisle because that would freak me out more. I look at Will and I's hands and I'm surprised to see I'm not cutting off his circulation. I see my knuckles turning white at my tight grip.

"What's wrong?" he says in a quiet voice looking concerned.

"The, um, the plane... it just, it feels really big. I don't, I don't like it," I manage to get out.

He nods understanding and starts to let go of my hand. I somehow managed to hold onto his tighter not wanting to let his go.

"I promise you can hold my hand again in a second, I just have to do something first," he says. I hesitate but eventually loosen my grip.

He takes off his hoodie and gestures for me to lean forward. I do as he wants and am surprised to feel him putting it over my head.

"Will? What?" I ask not sure what else to say.

"Here, I thought maybe this will help with making the plane seem smaller," he grabs my hand, "this still ok?"

"Yeah," I say quickly not wanting to let him go right now, "thank you."

"There's no need to thank me," he says.

I feel the plane start to move and grip his hand tighter. Then I feel us leaving the ground and holding Will's hand isn't enough anymore. I decide he obviously isn't going to judge me for my fear of flying so I wrap my arms around his middle and hold on tightly.

He just laughs and eases my head into his chest, "Do you want to listen to music? We can connect our AirPods to each other."

I nod quickly grabbing my AirPods and phone before going back to where I was. He pulls up his phone and connects my AirPods to his playlist so we can both listen. Of course his horrendous country music starts to play but I can't get myself to protest.

We both relax into each other listening to music. Then Will starts to stroke my hair lightly and I can feel myself falling asleep.

"Hey Nico," Will says shaking me lightly. I wake up and look at him before seeing people leaving the plane.

I get up and we collect our things. We walk out of the airport as I get off the phone with the rental car company, they told me the car was ready we just have to go get it.

We walk across the street and get the keys from the front desk. We throw our luggage into the trunk of the SUV that was booked for us. Will get in the driver seat and I hand him the keys.

He puts on the gps before looking at me, "You ready?"

"As I can be," I say.

He nods and starts to drive towards his house, "We live about an hour outside the city so we have a little bit of a drive.

I stare out the window while music plays in the car. It doesn't feel like an hour has passed when we pull onto a very long driveway.

We pull up to a house and it's beautiful. It has a wrap around porch and it's 2 stories. I stare in awe before realizing we're actually at Will's house.

I grab my things and we walk to the door together. As soon as Will knocks the door is opened to reveal a very kind looking woman.

Alrighty that's the end of this chapter!! Hope you enjoyed!

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