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Will POV:
Kayla and I decided to go get coffee after I dropped off Nico.

"So," Kayla starts once we sit down, "how are you and Nico?"

I was a bit surprised she asked, "Oh! I thought that you might want to talk about other things but we're good!"

"Well I do but at the same time, we haven't really talked about him so I was just wondering," she says with a slight shrug.

"Oh well we're great, really! He's the best and I feel like we fit together really well," I say knowing I have a blush and an ear-to-ear grin.

"That's good, I'm very happy for y'all! But anyway Cecil, Lou, and I were wondering if all of us, including Nico, could hang out together?" She said/ asked it was kinda a cross between both.

"Yeah, of course! I'll ask Nico! When and what are we gonna do?"

"We were thinking a brunch or something," she said. I was sooo excited! I can picture all of us talking and laughing now!

"That sounds great! How about Saturday? I'm off and Nico was gonna come over anyway!" she nods in agreement and we agree to ask the others.

~~~Time Skip (sorry guys I suck at writing small talk, I'm really good at doing it irl tho)~~~

Hanging out with Kayla was a lot of fun but I was kind of tired. I mean who could blame me? I stayed up late with Nico then went to work early this morning and hung out with her. I decided to text Nico about the plans I made today before taking a nap.

Will: hey nico!!
Nico: what
Will: kayla and I were talking about my friends and us hanging out this sunday
Will: is that fine?
Nico: oh yeah
Nico: who else will be there
Will: lou and Cecil
Nico: ok

I figured that was the end of our conversation so I laid down as I was about to fall asleep I remember that thanksgiving is the Thursday after our hangout. I'll have to tell Nico. After that I immediately was in a deep sleep.

I knock on the door of my mom's home. She opens the door with a big smile and gives me a tight hug.

"Will! I've missed you!!" I see her glance past me so I turn as well, "who's that?"

"Oh that's Nico my boyfriend," I say with a smile.

"It's great to meet you Nico! You must be special, Will hasn't brought anyone home for a while now!" My mother says excitedly.

"It's great to meet you Mrs. Solace! Will has told me so many great things about you," Nico responds with a slight smile.

We walk into the house and sit at the table ready to eat. Austin, my brother, is already at the table. Mom comes in and sets the food on the table. I was a bit confused on why it was just us and where the rest of my family was but I didn't say anything about it.

My mom continues to talk with Nico and me but Nico seems to be getting annoyed. I think nothing of it though until I try to hold his hand and he pulls it back. I stare at him but he won't even glance at me.

Right before dessert I go to give Nico a kiss and he slaps me across the face. Luckily my mom and Austin were getting the dessert from the kitchen and didn't see.

"Nico? What was that for?" I ask confused.

"Look Will, I never liked you and I never will. Honestly I think you're pathetic because you had to get me to fake date you. I mean you couldn't get a real date?" he just keeps going on and on.

I'm so upset I can feel the tears going down my face. All I can do is watch him walk out of my house.

Suddenly I wake up with a jolt. I had some tears on my face still. I know it was just a nightmare but what if Nico really does think that about me? I mean I don't think I could handle that.

I decide I want to see him before Sunday so I call him and he picks up on the 2nd ring, "Hello?"

"Nico! Can I come over?" he could probably hear how upset I sounded because I could hear in my voice.

"Yeah, of course. Is something wrong?" I can hear what sounds like concern in his voice.

"I just had a bad dream. I don't really wanna be by myself," I say. Honestly though I just wanted to be near him. Just wanted to know he didn't see me as pathetic. Which me calling him after a bad dream probably isn't proving but too late now.

"Are you going to spend the night?" he asks.

"Can I?"

"Of course you can," is all he says before I say goodbye.

As soon as we hung up I packed an overnight bag and went to Nico's apartment. Luckily I didn't have anything tomorrow and I'm kinda hoping Nico doesn't either.


  Hey loves,
I finally finished it!! I'm so sorry it took so long I'm just really bad at writing filler chapters. As always leave comments with suggestions, ideas, or corrections!
  With lots of love,

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