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Will's pov:
I was walking out of my Epidemiology class when my friend, Lou Ellen, texted our groupchat.

Lou Ellen: Do y'all wanna hang today?

Will: Yeah I'm down!

Cecil: Sure what time?

Kayla: Yeah, at Will's?

Will: Give me like 45 mins and then y'all can come
Will: I just got outta class

I sent the text and was on my way home. I was going to see if Nico wanted to hangout but it'll be good for me to see my friends. Plus, I spent the night at Nico's, I don't wanna come on to strong.

~Time Skip~

"Hey guys!" I say opening the door to let them in.

"Hey Will!" says Cecil going to sit on my couch.

"So, Will," Kayla starts, "do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, and why haven't you told us?" continues Lou.

"Um, funny story," I start but my phone rings and cuts me off.

"Hey Neeks!" I say answering the phone.

"Did you just call me Neeks?" I blush realizing what I said. "Nevermind, my friends are asking questions about our 'relationship', what should I tell them?"

I laugh, "Same! I don't know. The first 2 weeks were so great but now that people know about our relationship everyone keeps asking questions."

I hope he understands what I'm saying. Which he does, "Yeah! Of course, well just wanted to say hi. I won't keep you. Talk tomorrow? I have night classes."

"Yep! Bye bye! Study hard!" I say hanging up.

"Sorry guys," I say, "I had to take that call."

"Was it your boyfriend?" asked Cecil.

"Yeah, it was," I say with a smile. It may be fake but I really like telling people Nico is my boyfriend.

"So," says Lou.

"Tell us everything!" finishes Kayla.

"Ok fine! I will," I say. Now I just have to make a story up and hope Nico's is close to mine.

"So it all started about 2 weeks ago. We had already known each other but I asked if he wanted to hangout. Well it turned into a date and we've been on the DL about it. We decided to start being more public so yeah that's pretty much it!" I say and I know I'm smiling.

"Well have y'all kissed?"

"Yes, some but not a lot."

"What have y'all done for dates?"

"We've gotten ice cream, went to a botanical garden, and gotten Italian."

"Have y'all been to each others house?"

"He picked me up for a date here and I spent last night at his house."

"You spent the night at his house?!" They all shout at once.

"Yeah," I said, "nothing happened though."

"Well we still want all the details," says Kayla.

"We danced in the rain, ate pizza, and watched Disney movies. Have y'all not seen our Instagram posts?" I question.

"I have," says Cecil. Kayla and Lou Ellen nod their heads in agreement.

"We don't have your boyfriends insta though," Kayla says.

"He's tagged in my post," I say. I notice Lou Ellen already pulling up his page.

"Nico?" questions Cecil, "I feel like I know that name but I can't think of where from."

"Yeah, same," says Lou nodding in agreement.

"Will I'm suprised your with him. He's kinda dark and depressing," says Kayla. Not in a condescending way, more of an observation.

"Nico? Gloomy? No way!" I say. "Sure he's super sarcastic and blunt but not gloomy."

"Huh, ok. Well, we need to meet him!" says Lou.

"Ok! Not tonight though, he has class," I say excited for my friends to meet Nico. This feels like a big step, even if the relationship is fake.

"He takes night classes? What's he studying?" asks Cecil.

"He's majoring in Film Studies and minoring in World Languages!"

"World languages? How many does he speak?" Kayla wonders aloud.

"Um, I don't remember all of them. It was a lot but I know he speaks Italian fluently," I say really trying to remember.

We all hang out for awhile longer until everyone decided to leave. I sent Nico a goodnight text and went to bed.

~Time Skip~

I woke up and checked my phone. Seeing I had two notifications from Nico.

Will: Goodnight x

Nico: Night x
Nico: Morning x

Will: Hey so last night I was with my friends and they wanted to know if you would want to meet them

Nico: Yeah sure
Nico: Should I bring my friends too? And where? We can do it at mine

Will: If you don't mind! Yours will probably work better cause it's bigger
Will: When?

Nico: All my friends are free today

Will: Same

Nico: Ok come over whenever

Will: Ok! See you in a bit!

I exited my texts with Nico and opened my group chat with my main friends.

Will: Nico says we can hang with his friends today!
Will: *nico's address*

Kayla: Ok I'll be there

Cecil: I definitely want to meet ur bf

Lou: I'm there

I turn off my phone with a smile and get up to get ready for the day. I'm really glad my friends are meeting Nico! And that I'm meeting his! I'm so excited.


Let me know of mistakes! Or questions! Please Vote! Have a great day/night! Sorry it's short.

Lots of Love,

Gay ChickenWhere stories live. Discover now