Obanai's hashira adventure.

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Mutually beneficial sexual relationship. Or in short, fuck buddies.
While Obanai and Sanemi definitely wouldn't claim this was their relationship, to an outsider looking in it would definitely seem that way. And so they did things as privately as they possibly could.
There was nothing romantic about it, no.. It was all for the mutual sexual pleasure they'd receive every so often, and they'd pretend like it'd never happened until they did it again. Their messing around had been going on shortly after they'd met, the occasional handjob, fingering or oral sex.. They rarely went all the way as these were meant to be quick and unnoticeable occasions. However today was a little bit different, one of those special days.

Both Sanemi and Obanai were very, very good at their jobs, and were diligent young men. Which at times meant, they could be a little too good.
Obanai made his way up a mountain that he'd been assigned to look at, void of humans anywhere. There was only a small village at the base of the mountain, probably less than 30 people living in it. But that also made it easy for them to notice livestock and a few people disappearing. The mountain is suspect due to nobody ever going up there, and yet villagers hearing loud noises coming from the top.

It was broad daylight, he'd made it far too early. There didn't appear to be anywhere for demons to hide, no buildings in sight, they must show up from somewhere else..
Obanai was a little annoyed, his swift arrival making it so he had to wait hours for any possible demon activity. But it was a price he had to pay for working hard...
Obanai sat down on the dew covered grass. It wasn't too wet though so he didn't mind.
He noticed Kaburamaru slither down his shoulder, letting itself into the grass.
'Must be thirsty... ' Obanai thought as he watched the white snake lick at droplets of water on the grass. He'd let Kaburamaru roam free for now, as there wasn't really any danger around this early in the daytime. As for him, he would just focus on relaxing for now.. Not like he had anything else to-

Obanai looked up, feeling a presence approaching in the distance. He squinted a tad, the sun through the trees making it hard to see who was coming.
"Sanemi?" He questioned, seemingly right as the man came close enough to block the sun from Obanai's eyes. He could tell it was his friend because Sanemi had a certain aura about him. Something about the way he stomps around and carries himself, even his faint silhouette can be noticed.
"So you're up here too huh?.." Sanemi asked with a huff, welcoming himself to sit down in front of Obanai in the grass.

"This is the third time this month I've been early to a mission. God this is so boring..." Obanai complained immediately, gesturing loosely to the barren forest.
"Yeah, I get the feeling.. But hey, no need to bitch, at least you're stuck with me instead of someone else." Sanemi replied, poking fun at their other coworkers. Sure he didn't say who but in reality he knew Obanai would know exactly who he really was referring to.
"Ugh that'd be the worst. I'd rather be eaten by a demon than deal with him..." Obanai said, rolling his eyes at the mere thought. His animosity made Sanemi chuckle, he was glad to have someone who actually agreed with him on his hatred.

Sanemi's attention was pulled away when Kaburamaru slowly brushed past the top of his hand resting in the grass, making him move it to pet the snake's back as it slithered along.
"So.. We got a couple of hours until sundown.." Sanemi started, his eyes fixated on the white snake. His hand rested in his lap, and his eyes wandered back up to Obanai..
"Wanna fuck?" he asked, his question very to the point. Obanai's face went a little red at his forwardness, by now he felt he should be used to that.
"On the job? For real?? We've been together for like one minute and you already want to have sex?" Obanai asked in disbelief, his judgement very clear in his hissing tone.

"Oh, come on, man! Cut me some slack, what else should we do huh? You got any better ideas?? Besides I'm sure you would've asked eventually anyways since it's been a while." Sanemi said with a scowl. He hated when Obanai would treat him like a perv for asking when they would both end up thinking the same way if given a little more time. Sanemi was just quicker to the point.
Obanai scoffed at his brazen accusation, although deep down he knew that Sanemi probably had a good point.

𝐀𝐎3 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄!! (𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄)Where stories live. Discover now