Office hours.

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Sanemi x f!reader

“Professor Shinazugawa?”

You hated talking to your professors, especially when they were the ones teaching one of your bigger classes like this. They almost never knew who you were, and the awkwardness was unavoidable. You weren’t exactly that awkward yourself, but with people in authority, you had always found yourself to stumble across your words. On top of that- it was him.

Professor Shinazugawa was known around the campus for his short temper and crude words. If you got on his bad side- there was no way you’d be getting anything higher than a C for that class. But unfortunately, you had to request him for office hours. Another thing he was notorious for denying- and if he denied you- that meant you were on his radar. In a bad way. What made it worse was his annoying attractiveness. Today, for example, he had on his usual white long sleeved button down shirt- the first few of which were unbuttoned like always was. It made the already impossible task of maintaining eye contact even harder.

It was after class, people slowly shuffling out of the hall. You had walked to the front, standing in the short line that had formed to ask Professor Shinazugawa post-lecture questions. He had his signature scowl on his face, leaning against the podium with his arms crossed.

“I don’t understand what you don’t get. Everything you need to know is on the powerpoint.”

“By-” the student’s voice was small and shaky,

“No buts. You’re saying I don’t know how to teach? Reread the slides and come back to me if you really do need my help.” He glared at her, “You are my student. I don’t expect you to be this stupid.”

You grimaced at his expression, dreading the conversation that you planned to have with him. You were next in line, patiently waiting for the student in front of you to leave so you could speak. It appeared you’d waited one second too late by the expression on Professor Shinazugawa’s face.

“I don’t have all day. Spit it out.” He seemed uninterested, attention turned towards his shrouded laptop screen.

“I was wondering- if- uhm- If I could request office hours? I know you don’t usually do office hours but I’d been absent for the last couple of days because of a-” you paused, trying to find the words. “-a health issue. I wanted to know if you’d be okay with reviewing the test material with me before the exam on Friday?”

You didn’t even notice that you’d squeezed your eyes shut or that you were holding your breath until you opened them and exhaled. He was looking at you, and right at you. He moved his elbows up behind him against the podium, looking you up and down with the most indecipherable expression on his face. He was silent for a second, intense gaze burning holes into your body. You felt your face go bright red with embarrassment as thoughts you knew shouldn’t think flashed through your head.

“What health issue?”


“Don’t make me repeat myself. Why were you absent?”

“Uh.” You didn’t know if you should tell him, but you knew not telling him would probably make it worse. You decided to try and still be as vague as possible. “Mental health issues.”

He curled an eyebrow, and his gaze softened for less than a second.

“You were in the hospital?”


“Been there” he laughs. He laughed? Wait what? What did he just say? For some reason, you felt some weight that had been on your shoulders lift.

“Oh” was all you could get out, and another small chuckle left his mouth. God, he was so pretty when he smiled. You had never seen him smile before. Wait. He was your professor. Shut up.

𝐀𝐎3 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄!! (𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄)Where stories live. Discover now