I Can Do It Better pt.1

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Obamitsu x f!reader

“Please?” Mitsuri was hugging Obanai’s arm tightly, blinking at him with wide eyes. How was he supposed to say no when she was batting her eyelashes like that? “I’ll think about it.” Obanai could never say no to that woman, no matter how hard he tried. “Thank you!” Her arms wrapped around his neck, practically suffocating him against her chest. “I’ll let you bring it up at lunch.” He concluded as she pulled away.

So what exactly was Mitsuri trying so desperately to convince him on? You. She was trying to convince him to let you share their bed for a night. Obanai knew how much she loved people, it was just part of her nature. While he also knew the only person she felt romantically for was him, it was still a bit jarring to hear her bring up the idea of a threesome.

Most men would probably be ecstatic if their girlfriend was bringing up the idea of adding another beautiful girl to the mix. But Obanai knew you, and well…he didn’t like you. The main reason for his dislike was because of the affection Mitsuri bestowed upon you. She treated you just a little differently than everyone else, it was starting to remind him of how she treated him. In his eyes, you were becoming competition.

“Good afternoon!” Your voice reached his ears and he visibly flinched. “Good afternoon, y/n!” Mitsuri motioned you to sit next to her at the table, leaving Obanai alone on the other side. “Nice to see you, Obanai.” You weren’t exactly fond of the snake pillar, but it was only because of his stand-off attitude towards you. For Mitsuri’s sake, you tried to suck it up.

You smiled as the waitress dropped off an ungodly amount of food, most of which would be consumed by the girl sitting next to you. It was normal for Mitsuri to arrive earlier than the other people in her party to get her food ordered. That way it would all be ready by the time others arrived. “Aren’t you going to say hello back to me, Obanai?” You thanked Mitsuri softly as she handed you a bowl of udon.

“Hi.” Was all you got, not even bothering to look at you.

“Obanai! Be nice, I’m sorry about him y/n.” You shook your head, slightly annoyed that the pink haired girl had to try and cover her boyfriend’s ass. “Oh you have nothing to apologize for, I’m used to his cold attitude.” You slurped down some of your food, eyeing Obanai who didn’t have anything in front of him.

The man wouldn’t eat out in public, if it meant he had to take off the bandages. As much as you didn’t like the man, you knew better than to ever bring those scars up, at least that’s what you imagined resided under there. “Will you eat later?” Obanai was watching Mitsuri down her second bowl with a smile, one that faltered when he heard your voice. “Yes.”

“Obanai always eats when we get home! I make sure of it!”

“That’s good!” You could have sworn Obanai mimicked you under his breath. You decided to ignore the man, focusing your attention on the woman beside you. “So why did you invite me to lunch, Mitsuri?” It wasn’t every day that you got the privilege of eating lunch with the two pillars. “Oh! We can get into that in a little while, enjoy your food.”

That didn’t make you feel any better, the nerves in your stomach making you lose your appetite a bit. “When you put it like that Mitsuri, it sounds bad.” You glanced over to see Kaburamaru wiggle his head in the direction of your food.“Does it?” She was replacing her empty bowl with a third as she spoke. “It sounds like we are going to off her after the meal.” Obanai’s cheek rested against his hand now.

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