Chapter 6: Tour

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I finally wore the clothes Quinzel gave to me. It's purple jacket with red tshirt and baggy pants. This is not my style and definitely Alexis's clothes.

"Ooh ohh do guys wanna go shopping?" Quinzel asked and Hobie glanced at her. "Do you have money?"

"Yes I do have. Uhh a lot actually." She answered then suddenly someone came in that really looks like Alexis.

"What the-?" She asked then Quinzel ran to her and grabbed her outside while saying. "You guys wait for a moment! I've got to talk to my sister!"

We were left alone. Hobie just lay down beside me and closed his eyes. I just stood awkwardly and just froze.

"You've got somethin to say, innit? Say it." He uttered to me and I laughed nervously

. "Well it's been really a rollercoaster to me.. I just... I just found out I'm not suppose to be spiderman then the canon events are not real. Then... Now we broke the fourth wall. There's so much going on, man. I just to want to go home.." I explained and he smiled. "We'll go home. That's for sure."

"May I ask?" I sat beside him and looked down. "Why did you help me?"

"I like you..." My eyes widened as he said those words. "As a person."

"Uhm what do you mean?" I questioned to him while my heart's pumping so fast. I've never really felt this thing since... Gwen.

"Well, look mate... I don't believe in authority." He sit up straight and leaned closer to me. "And your existence challenge that whole idea of it."

Our gaze met and we stared at each other's eyes. We stayed like that for a minute or two until Quinzel came back with her sister. I quickly stood up and faced the wall.

"Okay so we're going to shopping!!" Quinzel excitedly shouted while her sister covered her ears.

"What's up with your sister lookin like Alexis." Hobie stood up and the sister just rolled her eyes then left.

"Sorry, her name is Queenie and she's not really a fan of social interactions." Quinzel explained and Hobie sighed. "Don't worry, I don't believe in social status!!"

"Huh?" I just glanced at Hobie and laughed. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, man." I just went to follow Quinzel who was looking at us back and forth.

I covered my face and laughed silently. I just can't... With Hobie, he's just...

"Why are you laughin?" He asked as he leans closer to me and tries to uncover my face.

"Let's get goin, boys." Quinzel said while she walks away with a little red on her ears.

"What's happenin with these two?" Hobie mumbles to himself as we walked through the tight corridors of this building.

We went outside and I stared at my reflection on the glass door. I kinda looked like the other Miles. Then I remembered what happened to him.

"Is there any way that we can go bacj faster than 2 weeks?" I asked to Quinzel and our gaze met. "Make your own tempad, if you can. The materials aren't available here."

"You dare challenge me?" Hobie uttered and Quinzel smirked. "Oh, do you accept the challenge, pretty boy?"

"That's enough of that shit." Someone suddenly appeared right beside me and it was Alexis lookalike. "Just tour them, Quinzel. Don't let them get their hands on internet."

"Sure thing, sis!" Quinzel grabbed me by my left arm and also Hobie's right arm. She walked in the middle of us whilst also dragging us around.

"That's the new York billboards!" She looked up and we glanced up as well.

"That's the new York billboards!" She looked up and we glanced up as well

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"Is it similar to your universe?" She questioned as we were looking up.

"Kinda.." I answered then I wandered my eyes around. "It's very different but I have this sense of familiarity."

"oOoOO spider sense?" She asked then she laughed it off. "HAHAH, let's go and do some shopping."

We went to a store and she let us pick whatever we want. She got an idea tho and immediately shared it to us.

"Oooh guys how about you pick your style but you swapped it from tomorrow? Just tomorrow? A little fun for us." She suggested and Hobie and I stared at each other.

"My style is a bit much for you, innit?" He questioned to me and I looked down. "It's cool for me, I like your style."

"Really?" He then went to the aisle where he picked some clothes then Quinzel stepped closer to me. "You like him, don't ya?"

"No.... I mean I like someone else.. it's Gwen Stacy from another universe.." I avoided her gaze and she leaned in front of me. "Then why are you acting that you like him?"

"Stop.. no I don't." I can fell my face heated a little. "I just met him few days ago..."

"oOoOO really?" She smirked and whispered. "You're blushing."

"I'm not." I hide my face and she chuckled. "Someone's confuse, don't worry buddy. You'll figure it out."

"What?? No I-" Then suddenly Hobie comes to us. "Whatcha talkin about?"

"Oh we're just trying to figure out what's style he's into." Quinzel replied then she winked at me.

She proceed to pick some clothes for me and asks. "Do you like this one? It's very punky and you know HAHA!"

"Stop it." I uttered as I tried to grabbed the clothes but she got away.

"Why aren't we glitching?" Hobie suddenly asked and Quinzel instantly glows. "WELL YOU see I have the same question for MCU but I figured maybe because they travel through magic and you guys travel through technology but since Alexis use a more stable portal and more advanced, maybe that's why."

"Mhm." Hobie just stayed silent and went to pick clothes again. I was too distracted by Quinzel who's making fun of me.

She leaned closer to me again and whispered. "You know, you guys are a little bit compatible. I'll leave you alone together tomorrow!"

"What? No." She just pats my back and sighs. "I'll watch from afar since I can't leave you two completely alone but just pretend I'm not there."

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