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Blaise sighed as he sat by the edge of the bed, looking at the calendar he had against the wall. The schools were closed and he was stuck at home alone, his mom being out to find yet another rich wizard. Blaise slowly got up and walked over to his closet, he hated being alone at his house. Especially on this day, his birthday. It was never a big thing, his mother didn't really care. But when he got to Hogwarts his birthdays got a bit better, Pansy always found a way to through him a surprise party. And he would get gifts from his friends, not those weird expensive things his mothers boyfriends would get him just so he would like them. But nice gifts that they made themselves most of the time, even Crabbe and Goyle tried making him a cake on year. his favourite gifts were always the ones he could get from Draco, the blonde always found a way to find out exactly what Blaise liked. Sometimes it could be simple things like potions that could turn flowers into different colours and sometimes it would be larger things like a cat that could change sizes. But sadly, he would not be able to spend his birthday with his friends or even his boyfriend this year. Blaise slowly made his way to the kitchen where he saw a envelope with a letter attached to it. 'Happy Birthday hun, I will be gone till next week. Here's some money if you need to get anything from the store, and a bit extra as a Birthday gift' Blaise sighed as he put the letter down and looked at the money inside. He placed the envelope down before grabbing a apple and walking to their living are. He sat down on the sofa as he took a bite out of the apple. He let out a sigh, staring at the ceiling. He began to think back to all the fun he and his friends always had on his birthdays at Hogwarts, pranking first years, sneaking out past curfew. Closing his eyes he remembered the first year he had spent his birthday with Draco as a actually couple, Draco had gotten a trunk and had customized it to be a dark green with Blaise's name written on it in silver. Blaise opened his eyes, hearing a knock on the front door. He got up from the sofa, walking over to the door. He opened it only to be surprised by all his friends including his boyfriend and confetti being thrown in his face. "Surprise!" They all said in union "What are you guys doing here?" Blaise asked as a small smile began to form on his lips. "Well you didn't think we would forget your birthday now, did ya?" Pansy said. "Now come on, we have to celebrate this right. You only turn 17 once." Pansy said grabbing a box she had with her. Blaise moved to the side, letting everyone inside. Blaise smiled feeling a set of arms wrap around him from behind, he turned around to be meated by a pair of grey eyes. Blaise wrapped his arms around his boyfriends waist, kissing his forehead. "I wonder, how did Pansy find out where I life?" Blaise said with fake confusion. "Who knows, guess it will remain a mystery forever." Draco said wrapping his arms around his boyfrinds neck. Blaise then noticed a beg behind Draco. "Whatcha got there?" Blaise asked, looking at the bag. "Its a surprise, now come on." Draco said picking up the bag and walking over to the dining room where Pansy,Crabbe and Goyle had already everything set up. Pansy placed a chocolate cake, that had been decorated to look like quidditch field. "Pansy it looks amazing." Blaise said looking at all the small details. "It was Draco's idea, now come on birthday boy." Pansy said puling out a chair, Blaise sat down and she placed the cake down in front of him. "There is only one thing missing" Crabbe said before grabbing a green party hat, putting it on Blaise's head. Blaise smiled as everyone began to sing. "Okay now blow out the candles and make a wish" Pansy said holding up a camera, Blaise thought for a moment before blowing out the candle. Everyone cheered, Goyle then walked up to Blaise with a pie tin filled with whip cream. "Happy Birthday man" He said before slamming the tin with cream into Blaise's face. Everyone began to laugh as Blaise whipped some of the cream off of his eyes. "Damn, I've never looked better." Blaise spoke, trying to stop laughing. "Come on pie boy, its time to open your presents."

They had set up a bunch of blankets, pillows and mattresses in the living room where everyone would sleep the night, Pansy, Crabbe and Gole were in the kitchen making snacks while Blaise and Draco were sitting on the sofa "You never showed me what was in the bag you had earlier." Blaise said looking at the slightly smaller male. "I wa waiting for the perfect time to give it to you." He said getting up from the sofa grabbing the bag. He walked back over to where Blaise was sitting, before handing him the bag. "Happy Birthday love" Draco spoke as Blaise opened the bag. He pulled out a big, knitted, green blanket that had small patches sewed on that symbolised all of his favourite things. "So what do you think?" Draco said in a nervous tone as he looked at Blaise, Blaise smiled as tears began to form in his eyes. Blasie put the blanket down and pulled Draco towards him, hugging the blonde. "I love it Dray, thank you" Draco smiled as he kissed the top of his boyfriends head before sitting down next to him.

The rest of the night was spent playing games, eating snacks and telling old stories, no one even went to sleep that night. And Blaise had to admit, it was the best birthday he had ever had.

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