His smile

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Blaise rested his head against his hand as he continued to listen to his boyfriend that has been rambling on about a new potion he had learned to make. Blaise was trying his best to stay focused on what Draco was saying but kept getting distracted by the blonde's smile.

Draco's smile...It was one of the many things Blaise loved about him. His adorable smile, and how he was one of the few to ever see it. Blaise loved seeing Draco smile, and would do absolutely anything to see it. Even if it ment he had to embarrass himself. If someone were to ask Blaise to describe Draco's smile. He would simply say. "His smile is brighter then the sun could ever be, warmer then the summer could ever dream to be. And more comforting then the arms of a caring mother."

Whenever something was wrong, or if Blaise has a bad day. He would just think about Draco, and how happy that boy made him. And how much he loved the blonde, even if he was not the best at showing it sometimes. He cared for Draco dearly and would do anything to protect him from harm, even if cost his own life. But Draco always states that, that would never happen. That he would never allow it.

And even if they were not the strongest of wizards, if they had one another no evil could harm them. Not Draco's family, not other wizards or witches....

Not even Voldemort could harm the two, as long as they were together.

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