2) First Come First Serve

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I was exhausted when I was woken up the next day. I don't even know what time Aris and I actually left the forest. When we had everyone was already asleep. It's honestly not surprising no one noticed. The counselors were forgetful at best and neglectful at their worst.

"Everybody up. Breakfast hall in ten minutes. I repeat, breakfast hall in ten minutes,"Counselor Caroline instructed, making sure to clap her hands. It was a great way to wake someone up and make them hate you at the same time. What a fantastic life skill.

"Five more minutes,"The girl next to me groaned.
"No can do. You know the drill. The first week is always 5:30 on the dot,"She exclaimed, sounding way too happy to terrorize some campers so early.

"Whyyyy?"She complained.
"Because if you sleep in any longer you're going to miss breakfast. First come first serve."

This clearly convinced her of nothing, but her loss is my gain. No amount of sleep deprivation could keep me away from their bacon. Plus, I always stuff the wrapped food in my pockets. There's nothing better than having an extra fruit snack or granola bar. It's not wrong to keep it hidden. She did say first come first serve.


The breakfast hall was the same as always. It was just as loud and chaotic as you'd expect. The floors were still sticky and tables were still a splinter hazard. Even so I had missed the craziness of this place.

As quickly as possible I pulled my hood up and started shoving granola bars into my pockets. It was only like five. Don't judge me okay. I'm always hungry.

"How many more do you plan on stealing?"Aris asked. I don't know when he arrived, but it doesn't matter. He was up and somehow not falling asleep standing up.
"It's not stealing if they're sitting in the open,"I argued.
"Usually people who aren't stealing don't sound so defensive over their actions,"He pointed out.

Without saying anything I grabbed two more and threw them at him.
"I'm making you an accomplice now,"I shrugged. He looked genuinely panicked.

"Calm down Aris. The counselors don't actually care about this. If they looked out for small details do you really think they wouldn't have noticed last night?"I pointed out. His face regained a little bit of color.

"You have some weird priorities when it comes to morals. Just come on. I want to leave before the cafeteria is crowded,"I explained.
"Aren't we supposed to stay here?"He questioned.
"Aris, there's a reason people make legends about kids going missing here. People slip out of the actual camp. We won't be missed,"I shrugged.
"That's reassuring,"He mumbled.

He'd quickly learn it was a good thing. Tugging on his hand I took him to the special tree. It was special to me and my friends at least.

"This place actually seems cleaner than the inside sometimes so there's really not to worry about,"I assured him.
"If you say so. Apparently you are one of the originals of this place."

I gave him a thumbs up and sat against the tree. The shade was already as refreshing as cold water. It doesn't matter that it's barely 6:00. Camp Killzone seems to have the same hot weather every time of every day.

"What do you even do at this place? It doesn't seem to have a lot going for it,"He asked.

"It's the basics of any camp,"I shrugged. He looked at me stone-faced. "No way. You've never been at any camp?"I asked. He sheepishly shook his head no.

"That's so cool. I get to be your camp buddy and your camp guide. It's pretty randomly picked. So you've got arts and crafts station, the lakes, hikes, and other random stuff. I can't believe I get to be the first one to show you the ropes. Especially, since you know the headphone trick,"I rambled.

I glanced over, and he looked like he was still trying to take in everything I just threw at him.

"I mean you do outside and craft things. I don't shut up when I'm excited either,"I admitted.

"It's fine. It doesn't always look like I'm listening, but I usually am. It just depends,"He explained.
"On what?"I asked, taking a bite out of bacon.
"Just on whether or not I like the person,"He said, shyly looking at the ground. I ignored the blush making its way to my face. For once when I was flustered I didn't feel the need to ramble.

Camp Buddies(Modern AU Aris Jones X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now