7) Troublemaker

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Aris and I actually went on the trail with everyone the next day. It wasn't that bad since we still stayed in the back and didn't pay attention to anything else happening. We tuned the world out and kept listening to our music. Other times we just talked about our lives back home. To sum it up it was a pretty nice day.

The best part about today though was that it was another campfire night. I knew ahead of time since I glanced into one of the counselors bags. What was better is that I managed to snag a few things.

I know it sounds like stealing, but the thing is the counselors don't actually buy the treats. I wouldn't touch them if they did. It was all funded by the camp itself. Naturally, I couldn't leave all of them there when they already limit the s'mores.

I made sure Aris and I were a bit further away from the group. He didn't question me when I suggested we sit at the back. Then again he probably prefers being away from others.

I craned my neck to make sure nobody was looking. Luckily, it was too dark for anyone to see as I pulled out a bag of chocolate and marshmallows.

"What? Where did you even get those? How do you have entire bags?"He asked, seeming completely dumbfounded.
"I snuck them out of the counselor backpack earlier. Do you want some?"I offered, holding out both bags.
"Why did you do that?"He questioned.

"Because I can. No one will even notice since they have like fifty others. Do you want one?"I repeated. He reached for a marshmallow, and we just kept munching on the treats.

"How did you manage to get those without anyone noticing? I thought I was next to you the entire day. When did you have time for this?"

"I have my ways,"I shrugged.

"Yeah. It's called being a troublemaker,"He responded. It's ironic that he took another as he said this, but I didn't point that out.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides, you are clearly enjoying them too."

"Hey, I didn't say it was a bad thing. It's just generally frowned upon. You make it work though."

I ignored the small smile that made its way to my face. Even more I was pretending there wasn't a blush creeping its way up my neck. I was thankful for the dark because I didn't want him to see just how red my face had gotten from his simple compliment.

"Thanks. You make being full of surprises work great for you,"I responded, still grinning at the ground.

"I do my best."

"Well, you do a great job."

"If you say so."

"Well, I do,"I assured him, as I popped another piece of chocolate in my mouth. I reached in the other bag without looking and felt Aris do the same. I pulled away from embarrassment when I realized I grabbed his hand.

"Right. Um, sorry,"I apologized.
"It's fine,"He mumbled.

We sat there in silence as I tried to figure out what to say that make this situation less awkward. So far nothing was coming to mind.

"Do you want to just pretend that never happened?"

"Absolutely,"I responded, breathing a sigh of relief at the broken silence.

"You being speechless is a new thing, huh?"He pointed out.

"No. I'm speechless when I'm eating."

"I'd hope so,"He said, trying but failing to hide a laugh. Whether or not it was actually funny didn't matter because I still laughed with him.


The night went on, and we were still out there three hours later. Despite the fact that I was consuming as much sugar as humanly possible I felt like I was yawning every other second.

Other people were talking by the fire about something. I couldn't actually hear a word they were saying nor did I care. My eyes started drooping, and I subconsciously leaned my head on the closest thing to me.

Unfortunately, I didn't even realize I had rested my head on Aris's shoulder until I felt him tense up. I was about to apologize and move when he hesitantly leaned against me as well. Feeling that same smile appear on my face and unexpected butterflies in my stomach I stayed there until I ended up dozing off.

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