5) Break-ins and Dances

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"Do you want to do something stupid?"I asked Aris as we sat by the tree eating breakfast.

"Not particularly,"He replied, sounding confused.

"What if this stupid thing gives you a way to charge your MP3 player?"

I could see him trying but failing to hide his curiosity. We both knew these things ran out of power way too quickly. "What if it got you out of today's hiking trip?"I pushed.

"I'm considering it,"He answered skeptically.

"Great. Grab your stuff. We don't want to get caught before we even get there,"I pointed out, already walking behind my cabin.

"Wait. I said I'd consider it,"He repeated.
"Then why are you speed walking beside me?"

"Can you tell me what dumb thing you have planned?"He asked.

"I could, but where's the fun in that?"I asked.

"There's fun in me not being terrified you're going do something dangerous."
"Aw. You're worried about me,"I teased. At these words his face had gone beat red, but I pretended not to notice. "We're going to be safer than any other camper here. Meet me back here in twenty minutes."

"What if I don't come?"He asked as I walked away.

"You will,"I shrugged.

"Is that a threat?"

"No. It's a mere observation. Now grab anything you want for the day. We're going to be there a while."


"What exactly is this idea of yours?"Aris asked, already waiting for me. He seemed to be everywhere first.

"I actually hyped it up. We're just breaking into the counselor's cabin,"I explained.

"What? That's not hyping anything up. That is absurd. You can't just-"
"Didn't you want to leave before you even got here? Besides, I've done this before, and I've never gotten caught. That streak isn't going to break today,"I assured him.

He sighed as he grabbed a small bag.
"I can't believe I'm doing this,"He said under his breath.

"I can. There's a rebel inside all of us."

"I think you're just a bad influence on people,"He mumbled.

"I'm just helping everyone embrace their true self. Now every counselor is gone on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Sundays. These are the only break in days."

"Seriously? How often do you do this?"

"Often enough to know to pack plenty of bobby pins,"I answered. With one last twist the door was open. Grinning in triumph I walked in like I owned the place.


"I know right. They actually have air conditioning."

"No. I mean to the fact that you just casually picked a lock. Do you regularly commit crimes?"He asked, with a small smile on his face. I couldn't help but return it.

"A few times. It works great when you're sneaking back in,"I shrugged.

"You sound like every parent's worst nightmare."

"I'm not selling drugs or going to parties. I go to the park with my friends. Newt and Teresa leave early though. They're rule followers. You should meet them sometime,"I suggested.

"How exactly would I do that?"He asked, joining me at the table.

"You have a cellphone, don't you? Plus, I'm dragging three of them back next year. If you end up enjoying the little rebellion we have you should come back."

"And if I don't?"He asked.

"Then, I know how to pick locks. I'll just leave threatening sounding notes until you show up,"I deadpanned. To say he was flustered would be an understatement. He seemed to always be some kind of nervous.

"Kidding. I'm not that far down the road,"I told him.

"Yet,"He added.

"You know me too well. How well can you dance?"I asked.

"No,"He stated instantly.

"Now's as good as a time as ever. I found a small radio here three summers ago."
"Absolutely not. Under no circumstances am I going to dance,"He protested.

I ignored him as I dug through the cabinets. After rearranging a few things I found the small blue radio. Happily pulling it out I went to plug it in.

"No. Come on. You don't seriously expect me to dance? You're out of your mind if you think that's happening,"He argued. Still ignoring it I plugged it into the outlet. It was on some boring news channel so I kept changing it. Once I thought I was going to be failed the most generic, basic, catchy pop song started playing.

"Perfect. I love this one."

I was already on my feet and spinning in random circles. It was totally offbeat and totally freeing and fun. "Come on Aris. I never said the dancing had to be any good."

"It's great to see you're not delusional,"He deadpanned.

Without any more room for debate I pulled him off the seat. Before he could react I grabbed his hand to spin him around.

"It feels unethical to dance to a song about a tragedy."

"It feel unethical for you to point out something so grim when we're supposed to be having fun. Just dance with me you shank."

"Shank?"He asked, puzzled at my words.

"Don't worry about that. Just close your eyes."

"Then, I can't see."

"Slim it, and be a little bit carefree. Life's no fun if you're worrying through it all."

Very reluctantly he finally relaxed a little bit. I spun him in another circle. Whether he meant to or not he smiled bigger than I've ever seen. "There you go twinkle toes. You're a natural,"I complimented.

"You forced me to do this."

"And you are having the time of your life."

Honestly, so was I. Out of all my break-ins this one would forever be my favorite. This was one for the history books. The day Y/N L/N got Aris Jones to dance with her.

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