14) Physical Memories

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"This is the final night,"I stated as we looked at everyone from afar.

"Yeah. Doesn't it feel kind of anticlimactic to spend the last night here after all we did this summer?"He pointed out.

"I mean it is Wednesday. What if we just disappeared?"I suggested.

"Really? You want to spend your last night here commiting a crime?"He asked with an amused smile.

"No. I want to spend my last night here commiting a crime with you,"I corrected.

"Then, we better get there before somebody feels like doing their job,"He agreed. That sounded more than okay with me as he took my hand, and we headed out. After all, we had a very important way to spend the night.


"I don't know if the way you're okay with this now is character development or a sign that I've ruined your morals,"I remarked, using my bobbypin to unlock the door. After another successful twist it swung open.

"It doesn't matter. I'm here, you're here, and we have once again broken into the counselors cabin. That's a pretty good night if you ask me,"He shrugged, walking in behind me and shutting the door. I was already rummaging through the snack drawer.

"Did you know they're just expected to toss the leftover food out at the end of each camp? It's some kind of safety concern,"I said, sitting on the floor with the extra S'more supplies. I was not letting these go to waste.

"Of course you know that,"He commented as I handed him a bag of mini chocolate bars. This time he just opened them instead of having the facial expression of me forcing him to commit arson.

"This was the best summer ever,"I admitted as I grabbed a marshmallow.

"Which part?"He asked, somehow genuinely not knowing.



"Yeah. You in general. Meeting you, getting to know you, conquering our fears, all of it. You were my favorite part of this summer."

He nodded as he looked back at the bracelet I made him. He turned over the small music charm as he seemed to be thinking about something.

"What's on your mind?"

"You'll call me, right?"He asked quietly.

"Aris, I will be so annoying you'll wish you never gave me your number,"I joked.

"You know what? Somehow, I don't think that's going to work,"He shrugged.

"You know very well that I like challenges,"I pointed out.

"I do, and you know very well I take that with open arms."

That I did, and I would forever be grateful for that. However, words aren't exactly my thing. That doesn't mean I don't know how to show my love for someone though.

"Here. I want you to have this,"I stated, pulling my put MP3 player. As I did he shook his head no.

"I can't take that,"He debated.

"You're not though. I'm giving it to you. It's one last memory that you can physically hold,"I explained, taking his hand and wrapping it around it.

"Let's make it a trade then,"He suggested, handing me his as well. I smiled as I looked at the most perfect present I've ever gotten. Plus, he did have a bunch of love songs downloaded which speak for itself. We are a perfect mismatch, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Well, the day came. The sun rose, and it was time for us to go home.

I sighed as I kept my backpack over my shoulder. While I waited for the counselor to finish her headcount I spotted Aris a few buses away.

You know what? Shuck it.

I sprinted faster than I ever have before in my entire life. Before anyone could spot me, not that I would even care, I threw my arms around him. He almost stumbled before tightly hugging back.

"I'll miss you,"I mumbled.

"I'll be here next summer,"He promised, and he hasn't given me a single reason to doubt him.

With my arms still around him I brushed my lips against his one more time. At least, for a while. He kissed back with everything he had, and I swear I felt him smile into the kiss.

Even though it felt like the world was just ours it wasn't. I pulled away before beaming at him.

"Y/N! Where's Y/N?"The counselor shouted.

"That's my cue,"I sighed, heading back to my spot. She hopped on the bus first.

As I was on the steps I gave my final words for what would seem like forever.

"So long camp buddy,"I yelled, giving him a two finger salute. He kept his perfect smile as he gave me one back.

What a perfect end to a perfect summer.


Almost the second I got home his number was in my phone. That didn't mean I didn't have stuff to do before I actually could call him though.

Once I finished my chores I sprinted to my room before pressing call. It rang once, then twice, before he picked up.

"Hey. Miss me already?"

"Always. I said I would annoy you."

"And I said that was one challenge you wouldn't win."

Even though I couldn't see him I knew he was rolling his eyes, and I have a strong feeling he knew there was a stupid grin on my face.

Camp Buddies(Modern AU Aris Jones X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now