12) Reversed Roles

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Unfortunately, every good thing must come to an end. Even if it feels like you'll be at that place forever you'll always end up somewhere completely different. That includes summer camp. If you haven't guessed by now there is one more day until it's time to say goodbye to my beloved Camp Killzone.

And my friend? Or maybe not? To make my lack of relationship skill less apparent I'll just say his name.

Aris. I have less than a day until I have to say goodbye to Aris.

"Morning,"He greeted, meeting me by our usual tree.

"Morning,"I greeted back, suppressing a yawn.

"Tired?"He asked, sitting next to me.

"Never,"I protested, completely lying through my teeth.

"Right,"He said, not buying it one bit but not pointing it out. "So I have a question,"He added.

"I probably have an answer."

"What do you guys do your last day here?"

I looked over at him to see if his face could give away any clue of why he would all of a sudden be curious by the camp activities. He seemed to purposely be making it impossible for me to tell.

"We don't do anything during the day. We have a bonfire at night,"I explained.

"Great,"He remarked, breaking into a wide grin. Before I could ask what he was talking about he was walking off to who knows where. That's definitely strange and out of character for him.

I looked around before walking after him. It looks like the roles are reversed.

"Where exactly are you going?"I asked, walking alongside him.

"Why ever would you assume I'm going somewhere?"He asked, still smiling.

"How ridiculous of me to assume you're going somewhere when you're speed walking somewhere while grinning,"I deadpanned, rolling my eyes.

"You're cute when you're frustrated,"He stated, making me freeze in my tracks.

"I'm not,"I debated, not knowing how I planned on ending the sentence or even what it was supposed to be in the first place.

"And flustered,"He added, unfazed by whatever this is. "And in general."

"I am so confused right now,"I mumbled.

"Welcome to the other side of the fence. I learned from the best,"He shrugged.

"I think I believe in doppelgangers,"I mumbled.

"Do you also happen to believe in teleportation?"He inquired.

"I don't typically think about teleportation."

"Really?"He asked, sounding unusually interested in my response.

"I don't think most people think about teleportation on a daily basis. Maybe a little but not all the time."

"I thought we've established that you aren't most people,"He reminded me. I just kept internally asking myself where exactly he was going with this. "Then again I am not most people either,"He stated, suddenly no longer walking.

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop looking at me, and you'll find out,"He whispered.

I ignored the way it got extremely hot out of nowhere and looked forward. Once I did my jaw dropped.

"When did we get here?"I asked in amazement.

"We teleported,"He shrugged.

"Aris, I'm serious. Do you know how long it takes to get here?"I asked, looking at the town I had only seen from a mountain top.

"Of course I do. I live here,"He shrugged.

I went completely still, wondering if I had misheard him or if he was serious. He was absolutely genuine. The place I had only daydreamed about seeing was a part of the boy I had only thought could exist in my other daydreams.

For a second this didn't feel real. I was standing in the small town I had always admired with the boy I currently and forever will admire. As unbelievable and incredible as it felt I suddenly realized something.

"Aris, if you get caught you will be in so much trouble,"I pointed out. That's usually my thing. It's definitely not his.

"Y/N, you have had me do so many things that could have gotten us in trouble that this is child's play. Now let's go."

"Go where?"I asked.

"Somewhere I won't be seen,"He answered, glancing around.

"Once a worrier always a worrier,"I teased.

"Funny. Come on. You can make fun of me when we get there."

"Get where?"

"Follow me, and find out,"He said, walking between some buildings. Without another doubt in my mind I did.

The end of summer always makes people do weird things or act out of character. In this case, the end of summer turned the introverted, nervous, rule follower (when I'm not corrupting him) into an adventurous, rebel.

Then again I have said there's a rebel inside all of us. It just takes the right person for you to see it, and it appears I'm that person for him.

Something about that admittedly makes me a little giddy. Of course I won't say that. I just don't know how I'd be expected not to feel that way when I got to see the part he portrays to the world and this outgoing part of him.

After all, wouldn't you be flattered if you were someone Aris deemed special enough to see that? Yes. Yes you would.

Camp Buddies(Modern AU Aris Jones X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now