8) Great Minds

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The next day was something most people loved but wouldn't admit if you held a gun to their head. It must be if it's so high up the list.

That arts and crafts station was something I genuinely enjoyed. It didn't have anything to do with getting to be inside all day either. I always left with something cool. Maybe a necklace, bracelet, or keychain. You get the idea.

"You seem really into this,"Aris commented as I stringed another bead along the twine.

"Yep. I'm trying to make this one perfect,"I responded, putting all my focus on it.

Normally, I'm not serious at all when it comes to these. This wasn't for me though. It was for Aris, but he didn't know that. I had to be extra careful with the numbers. My genius mind figured out exactly how to stay in contact. I was putting my phone number on his bracelet.

"I don't think anyone here is that focused on it,"He stated.

"That's their problem. I'm making true art. Besides, you've seen just as deep in thought about yours,"I pointed out.

"That's because I'm a perfectionist."

I playfully rolled my eyes at this. He gave me an amused smile before going back to his craft. He seemed to smile a lot now, and it was nice. Than again doesn't everything about him seem to be that way?


I don't even know how long I stayed focused on this bracelet, but he was no different. I just needed to make sure every bead belonged on there. I was going for a blue theme except for one black and white charm. To be more specific it was a music charm. It took my a while to find something that made sense so when I spotted I snatched it before anyone could even glance at it. Aris looked at me sideways at my desperation for one charm but didn't say anything. Besides, he did the same thing less than a minute later.

After adding the final number it was absolutely perfect. I grinned at how well it seemed to match him before tying the knot as tight as possible. It was the best thing I've ever made.

"Done,"I exclaimed at the same time as him. Not bothering to wait I excitedly shoved it in his hand. He wore a questioning expression before actually looking at it. He just looked at me before handing me his.

I looked at it to see he seemed to have the exact same idea. The only difference was that mine was red and the charm was small little tree.

"Great minds really do think alike,"I remarked as I slid the bracelet on my wrist. By some miracle it was a perfect fit.

"That's an understatement,"He responded as he did the same. His fit just as well.

"Hey. Why red?"I questioned, fiddling with the beads.

"It's the color of rebellion. Why blue?"

"You wear a lot of blue,"I answered simply, still looking at it. I can't explain it, but it sums me up perfectly. With just a piece of string and colored beads he captured by personality better than I ever had when I made these.

Let me reiterate my point from before. Aris was something special in the best way possible. After all, who else could figure me like they've known me for years in just two weeks? Only someone named Aris Jones sitting, directly next to me, and full of surprises could.

Camp Buddies(Modern AU Aris Jones X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now