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     WHILE AANG, SOKKA, AND TOPH WERE OFF doing their own things, Katara and Yan were responsible with discussing the invasion plan for the Day of Black Sun with the Council of Five, a group consisting of the five highest-ranking generals in the Earth Kingdom Army. The two girls stood in a room in a building in the Upper Ring.  At the center of the open room was a massive map of the world, the Council of Five sitting across the way while Yan and Katara stood side by side on the other end.

"General Fong's base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun." General How said as he used his bending to slide three green rectangular figurines across the map to a single red figurine, representing the Earth Kingdom invading the Fire Nation. As he slid the figurines across the map, Momo jumped up on the table and toppled the chips, causing Katara to chuckle.

"Or we could send in Momo to do some damage." she laughed as Momo continued to run across the map. When she noticed that the generals weren't laughing, she cleared her throat and apologized. Yan, standing at attention, couldn't hold in her chuckle as she too laughed.

General Sung, the general in charge of the Outer Wall defenses, looked over at Yan, looking her up and down. "What is your name, soldier?" he asked as the other generals looked over at Yan.

Yan straightened up and swallowed a lump in her throat as she glanced at Katara. "Yan Qiang, sir," she answered honestly, tired of using her false name. The generals murmured to themselves, Yan using context clues to figure out what they were going to ask her. "To answer your questions, sirs, yes, I am a woman. Yes, I disguised myself as a man to sneak into the military. Yes, I am aware that women are not allowed to fight in the Earth Kingdom military. I am aware that I could be arrested for my dishonesty and insolence but if you were to arrest me now, you would be losing a useful ally."

The generals quieted down once all their questions had been answered, continuing with the battle plan discussion. General How fixed the figurines, Momo screeching in fright and returning to Katara's shoulder. "All we need is the Earth King's seal in order to execute the plan," he said as he slid a rolled scroll across to Katara.

"I'll get these scrolls to him right away. Thank you, General How." Katara thanked the general as she and Yan bowed respectfully and exited the war room.

Katara and Yan walked through the city, Yan's stomach growling with hunger. "Ooh... I guess food wasn't on my mind when I decided to join you in the war room," she said with a small chuckle as she put a hand to her belly. Katara, having heard Yan's stomach loudly growl, chuckled and looked over at Momo who was balancing on her shoulder.

"Momo is probably hungry too. Let's see if we can find anything around here for a quick snack that will hold us over until dinner," she suggested as she scratched Momo behind the ear. The earthbender and waterbender walked around the Upper Ring, trying to find a place to get something quick to eat. Katara spotted a tea shop where an influx of people were filing in and out. "How about here? We can get a cup of tea before delivering these scrolls to the Earth King."

Once Yan nodded, recognizing the tea shop as the Jasmine Dragon, she and Katara began to approach the doors, the smell of pastries and freshly brewed tea beckoning them. "Table for three, please," Yan said to one of the hostesses waiting to greet any guest that entered the doors. As the hostess bowed and walked off to find an available table, Katara suddenly grabbed Yan's arm, causing her to jolt in fright. Before she could ask what was wrong, Katara pulled Yan out of the tea shop and began running down the street.

"Katara, wait! What is it?" Yan called to her, following Katara and Momo. She followed Katara up into the palace, grabbing onto her upper arm and stopping her once they got to the throne room. 

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now