Run Away

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"You did it Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!" Gobber was saying excitedly. I was on Fishlegs' shoulders after I had won the– honor?– of killing a dragon.

"Yeah! I am so-"

"Leaving. We're leaving. Pack up 'cause we are going on a little vacation, forever." I said to toothless when I walked into the cove. I had a basket with me containing medical supplies, clothes, and sketches of toothless's tail fin. It also had some food and freshwater.

Toothless cooed at me as I attached the basket to the saddle.

"It's alright bud. We are getting out of here. I cannot kill a dragon. I'm not a true viking! I always get picked on, my dad doesnt even acknowledge me. I'm useless here." I ranted on as Toothless just listened. I climbed into the saddle and had a final look around the cove before taking off and never looking back.



I couldn't believe it. Hiccup won! Hiccup! how did he win? I needed to figure out what was going on. I followed him into the forest quietly. I saw him walk behind a rock so I climbed that rock to check where he could have possibly gone. When I looked over the rock. He was gone. It was like he dissapeared into thin air!

I guess while I'm here I can train. I chucked my axe into a tree over and over and over again. It was turning night and I realized that Hiccup should've been back by now. I went the direction of where I last saw him and let my legs lead me through the forest. I eventually made it to a cove.

Thecove was full of moss and vines and roots of trees covered the walls. There was a pond in the center of it. It was beautiful. I saw a glint of silver in the water by the edge of the pond. I climbed down and whent to what was reflecting the moonlight and picked it up. It was a dagger. Not just any dagger though. It was Hiccup's dagger.

I was also just noticing little black circles all over the ground and a patch of burnt grass. I picked up one of the black circles and it turns out, it was a dragon scale. I had to tell Stoick.

I ran until I found Stoick. I had my axe, a dragon scale, and Hiccup's dagger. "Chief!" I shouted out once I spotted him. "You need to see this!" I told him with panic and worry filling my voice.

"What's wrong lass?" He asked demandingly(?).

"It's Hiccup. He's gone! A dragon took him I think. I was just practicing in the forest after I saw him go in but I realized he never came back. I went to look for him and found dragon scales along with his dagger which was in this pond in a cove that had scratches all over the walls." I explained trying to keep my voice calm. I held the dagger and dragon scale out to Stoick.

Stoick took the items and whispered, "I will avenge my son and kill that beast."

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