Man of Midnight

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After the free fall we went to check on Berk. We were flying close to the trees but ended up getting too close. We crashed throught the trees and it was so loud that anyone in the forest would hear it. I landed about three feet from Toothless and the first thing I noticed was the tail fin. It was ripped and bent.

I got up to go inspect it more when I heard footsteps coming. It sounded like five different people. I walked into the woods quietly staying in the shadows. I then heard a gasp followed by someone talking.

"What is it? Fishlegs?" Must be the old group.

"N-Night Fury!" Fishlegs squeaked.

"You don't have to be scared." I said, staying in the shadows. "He won't hurt you unless he feels threatened." I said while walking out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" A girl- who I saw was Astrid- asked, trying to be threatening. That didn't really work on me anymore.

"People call me alot of stuff. Best one is Man of Midnight. You can just call me Night though." I explained just to put it simply. I then walked over to Toothless while they were staring with wide eyes. I've never seen Astrid so surprised.

I examined the tail fin and realized I needed to make a new one if I didn't have a spare. I check the saddle bag and lucky for me I didn't have a spare. Toothless started to stir and I saw a cut on his leg. Toothless growled in pain and I made my way over to his head.

"It's alright bud. You're fine. Just a scratch." I told him in a soothing voice while petting his head. He calmed down and started to purr.

"How are you touching a dragon? Not just any dragon but a Night Fury?" Snotlout asked with panic laced in his tone.

"He's my best friend." I answered simply. "Also, can I use your forge? I need to make a new tail fin for him." I asked.

"Fine. But leave the dragon here." Astrid commanded.

"I wasn't going to bring him. Can't risk him getting hurt." I told her. "Toothless go hide in some bushes. I'll be back soon." I then followed them to the villiage even though I knew where it was already.

When we entered the villiage I kept getting weird stares but I brushed it off. When we were almost at the forge I heard a voice that I didn't think I would ever hear again. My father's voice.

"Astrid! Who is this man?" He asked.

"We found him in the woods. He needs to use the forge to make something though." She replied almost telling the full truth.

"Alright." He turned to me. "What do you need to make?" Stoick asked skeptically.

"Something to help me get out of here." I didn't need them finding out about Toothless.

"Did you use a boat to get here or something else?" He still didn't trust me but I didn't need him too.

"No boat. I used a dragon." I responded truthfully. And oh boy did he get mad at that.

"A dragon?!?" He shouted. "What kind! Tell me right now or you are dead!" He yelled holding an axe to my throat.

I stayed silent with my hand hovering over my fire sword 'Inferno'. Right when Stoick was about to come in contact to my body with his axe, I pulled out 'Inferno' blocking his attack. I somehow got him disarmed but he didn't stop there. He went to punching. I ended up burning both of his hands and kocking him to the ground. I held him at swordpoint. For the first time I saw fear in his eyes but that didn't make me break out of the fighting trance I was in.

"Alright, you win. Gobber let him use the forge. Don't ask what he is making. Astrid, twins, Fishlegs, and Snotlout, stand near the forge incase this monster goes feral." He commanded, fear laced in his voice.

"Monster? No. Just a guy that helps dragons, indeed!" I exclaimed lightly. I pressed a button and the blade retracted back into the handle and the fire extinguished. I followed Gobber to the forge.

"Thanks." I said to break the uncomfortable silence.

"For what? You just threatened our cheif!" He exclaimed.

"He threatened me by trying to kill me. I was defending myself. Big difference." I explained.

"Alright then. Here we are. Don't steal anything and don't burn this place down." He demanded.

"I won't!" I said as I walked in. The group of five arrived a bit later. I got to work on making the tail fin. This was going to take a while since and since I didn't bring any sketches, I had to make new ones.

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