Things Have Changed

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5 years later

first part of the chapter is basically this:

(it would be preffered if you listen to 'Where no one goes')The water flew up as Toothless raced just above it

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(it would be preffered if you listen to 'Where no one goes')
The water flew up as Toothless raced just above it. They were going unimaginable speeds just above the ocean. Thunderdrums were popping out of the water making Toothless and Hiccup dive and roll.

The pair went up towards the sky until they were far enough from the ocean to free fall.

"Alright Toothless. Want to give this another shot?" Hiccup asked his friend. Toothless just grumbled. "Toothless, it'll be fine!" Hiccup then got everything prepared. "Ready?" He asked. He then tilted to the right and slid off the saddle. Toothless went after him and they spun around until they just saw the water. Hiccup then put his arms in the hoops by his ankles and whipped them up revealing a nice gliding suit. He clicked a button on his chest that revealed a fin on his back.
(then basically the rest of the free fall along with the island itchy armpit just not the hunters)


It had been five years since Hiccup died. Around a month or two after that the raids stopped. Everyone was confused the first couple of days but we got used to it. Today me and the gang are patrolling the woods. Everyone is still their normal self. Fishlegs is a knowledge geek, the twins keep randomly fighting, and Snotlout still tries to flirt with me.

There have been hundreds of rumors of a 'Dragon Master'. Said Dragon Master has different names such as 'Night Rider' 'Dragon Rider' 'Man of Midnight' and so on. Apparently he has been spotted closer and closer to Berk each day. That's why we are on patrol in the woods.

"Astrid! We are nearing a cove and you might want to see this." Fishlegs said while gesturing for me to go over to him. I walked over expecting a small thing but what he wanted me to see was big. It was a broken tree that basically pointed to a big skid mark that was probably from a dragon.

"I come over here all the time how did I not see this?" I asked myself. "Guys! Follow me! We are going to find what caused this." I told them.

We walked down the path and found a little clearing where there was a rusted bola covered in moss. It looked as if it were cut. There were small dragon scales like the ones I found in the cove where I found Hiccup's dagger.

"These scales... I know them from somewhere." I said. I then looked in the direction of the cove. "Come on. We are going to find what did this." Before we could move anywhere we heard a crash followed by a dragon screeching. "Nevermind! Go toward the source of where the noise came!" They all went with Fishlegs leading, Ruffnut behind him, Tuffnut behind his sister, and Snotlout trying to flirt with me in the back.

"You look beautiful babe." He said thinking he was all cool and all.

"Don't call me that Snotlout. We aren't together." I scoffed at him.

"Why wouldn't you want to be with the future chief?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to be with you." I stated.

"What if Hiccup was still here? Would you get with him?" He asked sarcastically.

That caught me off gaurd. "No." I put it simply. But that question was in my head the entire walk until we heard Fishlegs gasp. "What is it? Fishlegs?"

"N-Night Fury!" He squeaked.

"You don't have to be scared." We heard someone say. "He won't hurt you unless he feels threatened." The man said while walking out of the shadows. He didn't have a lower left leg and he was wearing some sort of armor. He was also wearing a helmet.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to be threatening. To be honest I was a bit freaked out but didn't show it.

"People call me alot of stuff. Best one is Man of Midnight. You can just call me Night though ." Th- Night- explained. All of our eyes went wide. The rumors were true. This Dragon Master was standing right infront of us.

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