Staying Longer Than Wanted

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As I finished at least ten different sketches I finally got a result I liked. The only downside is that it took all day. The group of five were still outside.

Right when I stepped outside of the forge Astrid came up to me. "Follow me." She said. I followed her not wanting to cause trouble.

She led me to a small shed that had a bed and bedside table with a candle. "This is were you are staying until you leave. Don't think about robbing us in the middle of the night." Her tone was harsh.

"I don't rob people, I help them!" I defended myself. She walked out of the shed and I walked over to the bed. I used 'Inferno' to light the candle. I sat down and began to think about how I was foing to heal Toothless's leg. I needed to get bandages, dandelions, and night fury saliva.

I looked around the shed and saw a small cabinet that I missed when I looked around last time. I opened the cabinet and to my luck, there were medical supplies. I grabbed the bandages and walked outside. There were still some people wandering around but I didn't mind. I saw a small patch of dandelions right infront of the forest edge. I walked over and picked at least six before walking in. I eventually found Toothless in the cove where everything started.

"Hey bud! I got some things for your..." I trailed off seeing something I didn't want to see. Toothless had a broken wing. "Oh this cant be happening right now." Toothless looked to be in a great amount of pain.

"It's alright bud. It's okay." I bandaged the cut then went to get some sticks and a vine. I cane back and stetched his wing. Toothless groaned in pain. "Shhhh, it's alright." I said softly. I put the sticks on both sides of the wing. I tied them with the vine to make the splint.

I looked at the sky and saw the moon at it's peak. I said a small 'see you later' to Toothless and went to the shed I was staying in. When I walked in I saw Astrid sitting on the bed.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Helping my dragon. Didn't realize it would take long." I answered.

"Alright. But don't think I trust you at all." She threatened.

(sorry its short)

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