New life

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It hurts. I was so hungry.
Sad days. Hollow days.
Painful days. Lonely days.
Those were the days I lived day to day.
Until one day, a sound rang.
I no longer feel awful.
I won't feel awful again.

The rope wrapped tightly around their waist

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The rope wrapped tightly around their waist. Every pull pressing on their body surely leaving a mark. They often skip some steps, trying to keep up with the one in front of them.

"You're so pathetic," venom tripped from his voice. Letting out a sigh, "Can't even walk straight."

Crowds thronged the village, making walking from point to point challenging. Their feet should be hurting, and the feeling of their sweat rolling down should be unbearable.

Everything was fine, she just needed to keep walking, and their day would go as usual.

"Excuse me, do you have a minute" a voice made them stop, making her keep a safe distance from her owner.

"Huh," the man presses harder on the rope in his hand, turning around to meet two people and keeping eye contact with one, completely ignoring the other.

As they kneeled to the child's height, they took notice of the old, dirty kimono she was wearing. Her hair was greasy, and their lifeless e/c eyes dared not to look up at them. Their blood was boiling at the sight.

Taking a deep breath, they ask, "Hello there. Nice to meet you," just to be met with complete silence.

The other two stood up, never breaking eye contact, seemingly challenging each other. One of them spoke, "Could you tell us why that child is all tied up? Is she a criminal, perhaps?"

"Isn't it obvious? She's flea-ridden, and her face is dirty. Not to mention, she might try to escape." Visibly angry, unnerve from the stupid question. Ignoring the old man, he turned to the woman kneeling, "She's got no name, all right? Her parents never gave her one."

The woman's gaze turned from sweet to annoyed in seconds. Tense by the attention directed at him, he closed his eyes and nervously replied, "Happy now? Get away from her."

Reaching to push the woman away, her companion slaps his hand away. Startled by the sudden movement, he jumps out, releasing a soft "wha..!" in response.

"Please don't touch Miss Mystake" Tired of them both, he defensively pulled on the rope, bringing the child close to him. "What's the problem, you two?! If you wanna talk the kid so much, pay up!"

The woman, now known as Mystake, reaches down in her clothes; "All right, then, we'll purchase her. Would this be enough?" Mystake throws a bunch of cash into the air.

Successfully distracting the man, she grasps the rope from his hand as the money falls to the ground. Both Mystake and the man run away with the child.

"Hey! Come back here, dammit!" Upon seeing people walking up to reach for the money on the floor, he immediately ignored the three; "Hands off! It's my property!"

The man beside Mystake questions the woman's action, thinking there is a better way to go about the situation. "It's fine," she said.


Welcoming you to a home, Mystake guides you to the bathroom. "Could you bathe on your own?" She asks. When met with silence, she took the initiative to kneel down and politely help the girl.


"This poor child..." Mystake said out loud to the man. He hummed as a sign for her to continue. "She can't do anything without being told! That goes for meals, as well! She won't touch her food unless I tell her to eat! Even as her stomach growls and growls!"

"Oh my, oh my." Answer the man, serving tea for both of them. "What exactly are we going to do with her?" Taking a sip, he responded, "You do have a point. We can't do anything with a child who can't think for herself. It's dangerous."

Exasperated, she reclaimed, "She can't do anything alone! She can't decide for herself!"

Standing abruptly, the man walks to the little girl sitting on her knees close to them. He holds a coin out for her. "All right, when you're alone, you can decide by flipping this coin. Right, um..." He suddenly stops; they have yet to find out their name.

The girl's e/c eyes stared at him intensely, making him quite nervous. Calling out, "A little help?" to his partner, she ponders. 'Which name will sound right for her."

The atmosphere seemed tense due to the silence filling the room; the man and the girl jumped from Mystake's abrupt but bubbly response; "I know, let's call her [name]! That seems like a pretty name. Plus, it fits her, in a sense, I suppose."

Their e/c eyes seemed to hold a slight shine upon hearing the name. She looks directly at the man with the coin between his fingers. He was waiting for him to continue. Letting a breathy laugh escape his lips, he places the cash in one of her tiny hands, closing it with his own.

"As long as it's given a chance, a person's soul will open up, so don't worry. When you fall in love with some boy someday, you'll change too, [name]."

The girl's eyes never left the man, seemingly stuck in a trance by his voice. 'Nicer than the last one.'

The man smiled at her, standing up from his position to walk back to Mystake's side, holding a quieter conversation she couldn't take in.

Opening her hand she stares at the coin given to her. Wondering what comes next.

Notes: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━First chapter! Again, thanks to Eji-Chan for the opportunity to "re-write" their story

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First chapter!
Again, thanks to Eji-Chan for the opportunity to "re-write" their story. Please give them support on her story and page!

Finally proofread (I still think it could be better, but that is for now)

Do comment any advice or things I should improve, it will be greatly appreciated. As stated before, English is not my mother tounge.

Really hope whoever decides to read this enjoy it.
Have a nice day/afternoon/night!
1020 words (note's counted)

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