Battle Between Brothers

670 37 10

Master Wu has a new
kimono, Kai and Nya have
a moment.

Today, the Monastery was calmed

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Today, the Monastery was calmed. Master Wu was meditating in his quarters, Cole and Jay played video games while Zane helped Nya. You might be asking, Where are the other two? Well, they found themselves in the garden. Kai – as promised, is helping [name] take care of it. "Is this right?" he questions as he brushes the dirt off his hands.

They got up to kneel at his level; seeing the decorative pebbles he had placed down, they tilted their head to the side – lightly shutting their eyes as they pouted. They weren't entirely convinced by the structure. Kai didn't need to see them to know they didn't like it, "No good, huh?" She pats his shoulder with a smile. They were interrupted by some voices, and then the appearance of their teammates made them sit up.

"I will totally beat you fools any day," Nya said confidently, crossing her arms before her chest. Cole scoffed, leaning in close to her. "Oh, really? Want to beat on it?" Smugly, Nya stands closer – and jokingly challenges him. "You're on, Rocky boy." Jay immediately stands between the two, pushing Cole out of the way. "Okay, how about we make some distance?" Nya could only roll her eyes while playfully shoving him.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kai asks, grabbing the group's attention. "Cole and Jay had a bet which. Somehow, they both failed. Nya believes she could do it – and I quote, 'without breaking a sweat.' And now we are here." Kai only looked at him with confusion, "Do I even want to know?" he whispered to himself as she turned to face [name], who only stared ahead.

"Come on, you dorks – and [name], Master Wu wants us to train," Cole said while taking [name] by their cloak and dragging them with him out of the garden.


The team was making their way to the training grounds. Cole was now carrying [name] in his back – racing the ninja to their destination while the siblings stayed back. Kai looks at his sister, shoving his shoulder in hers. "Are you okay?" Confused, she looks back at him, "What do you mean?" He sighs as he stops walking, grabbing her arm. "It's just...everything has changed and in so little time." He whispers to her, now holding her hands. "It feels like I failed..." She was surprised, to say the least. Her face showed confusion but also hurt. "Kai, this isn't your fault. Yes, things are now different. We are not back home, but right here – where we are, we aren't alone. It's not just Nya and Kai anymore."

"But.." "Kai, no. I'm okay, you don't need to worry about me. But you have to promise me something." He sniffles, rubbing his face. "What?" Raising her hand, she said, "Promise me you're not gonna repress anything; you'll talk about your feelings. Pinky promise." He snorts; "Really, pinky promised?" "Yes, Pinky promised me." "I promised."


Master Wu left his room after hearing the many grunts and shouts from the training grounds. He picks up one of his kimonos and puts in one while walking towards his students. When he finally makes his way outside, he only sees Zane – who turns around when he hears the footsteps. "Ooh! Sensei Wu, your kimono is most extraordinary." He looks down to his black kimono. "Thank you, Zane. Yes, it is quite extraordinary. Its symbols act as a protection spell against evil. But ultimately, it reminds me of the night that Garmadon was cast into the Underworld."

He looks up to the sky while closing his eyes, remembering his youth with Garmadon. He sighs as he looks back at his student. "After Garmadon's fall, the balance of the elements was restored, and Ninjago enjoyed many years of peace." After the words left his mouth, the noise of the ninja yelling – riding their Dragons. "Woo hoo! Sensei, look! No hands!" The two look up from the ground, seeing Jay almost fall from Wisp while trying to do his little trick.

"Apparently, those days are over," Zane said while Master Wu laughed. "More or less."

Notes: ———————I'm gonna be honest, I thought I have already publish this

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I'm gonna be honest, I thought I have already publish this...
I'm so sorry for the long wait. Tomorrow there will be a new chapter!
I hope y'all enjoy this short episode.

This is the final mini movie, so will finally be getting to the first season; Rise of the snakes. (And the second best character will make an appearance.)

772 words + notes

Have a nice day/afternoon/night and stay hydrated!

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