Way Of The Ninja

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Pilot episode! The Smith's
are finally here.. Let's
get this started, shall we?

An older man journeyed on a rocky path to the small village of Ignacia in search of his last student

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An older man journeyed on a rocky path to the small village of Ignacia in search of his last student. He was confident on this journey since he has a good track with convincing people. Considering he had mostly assembled all the members of the team already.

On his tracks, he spotted a shop with a sign that read "Four Weapons Blacksmith" Smiling, he walked into the shop, immediately spotting a boy with spiky hair – who was accompanied by a girl with silky black hair, styled in a bowl cut. He began browsing the shop, deciding to watch them first before approaching them.

The spiky-haired one seemed busy crafting a sword; taking out of the heated mold, he said, "To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat." Appearing to be teaching the girl about forging. Dipping the sword – which was still burning hot, in a barrel of water," Cool it off... and... presto!" He sighed sadly at his results, the sword came out looking deformed. The girl then giggled; "You made it too quickly, Kai. Be patient. If Father was still here, he'd say—"

Sharply cutting her off, Kai finished her sentence, "I know. No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nya, but I will be a better blacksmith than Dad."

Master Wu admired the many weapons that were on display, silently listening to the – now apparent siblings. He started thinking, 'Which is the best way to approach this situation?' He could impress the kids with his wisdom – he has much of that. But before he could decide, Nya noticed him and slapped her brother on his arm.

"Ouch, what the—" crying out, he looked at his sister, pointing to the old man. "We have a customer, you dumb-dumb." She whispers, getting a grunt in response– which she retaliates by sticking her tongue at him. The teens' little banter didn't get unnoticed by the old man, chuckling at the interaction. He hasn't really decided in to how exactly he should approach the boy, maybe he could take his attempt at making a sword and turn it into an ice breaker.

"Hmm... your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of stealth. All tools for a samurai, but nothing for a ninja?" Okay, maybe not the best course of action, but it's already out there. Obviously, Kai took it the wrong way – an insult. "Ninja? You're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, old man. And the shop is called "Four Weapons," not "For Browsing." Either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else." Kai rudely strikes back at the old man. Wu narrowed his eyes at Kai, responding, "Ha! Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here." Ha, owned.

Looking back at it, that could've gone a lot smoother. But the old man had already left the shop. Influenced by Nya, Kai spoke out as he was leaving, grabbing one of his many samurai helmets. "If it's something special you're looking for, let me sh—" Wait, where did the old man go?! Kai thought, looking around for him. Noticing his brother's distress, Nya asked him what happened. Only to be dismissed by him.

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