An Underwordly Takeover

753 36 13

More shenanigans
between the gang.

Zane and [name] were walking toward the pen – today was cleaning duty, and they weren't thrilled about it if they were honest

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Zane and [name] were walking toward the pen – today was cleaning duty, and they weren't thrilled about it if they were honest. "Do you believe Shard could share some of his history with us?" He asked his companion, receiving a slight shrug in return. "I wouldn't really know; if you ask him, he could." That makes sense; Shard was his Dragon, after all, so it wouldn't hurt to try it out.

Finally arriving at the pent, they divided the jobs between them. Zane takes care of the Dragons, and [name] takes care of the pent. With a small wave, they departed, taking the needed materials and beginning their tasks.

With a shovel and bag, Zane walked towards Shard, "Hello, Shard. How have you been?" He stayed before his Dragon, giving him some soft pats – which Shard happily accepted. Moving behind him, he started picking up the Dragons...waste. "May I ask you a question, Shard?" hearing the soft puff, he continued talking. "Have you always been guarding the Shurikens of Ice? Or did you have another responsibility?" Zane asked his Dragon as he finished with the bag, placing it outside for [name] to pick up.

He stood in front of his Dragon, waiting for any possible answer. Only receiving some nuzzles. "Is that a yes or–?


Nya walked outside to the training grounds in search of [name] since she was starting training with her today. The sound of the boys fighting made her move a bit faster. 'She's probably with them!' Nya though. Walking through the doors, she notices the training course turned on, but the ninja is nowhere to be seen. 'Weird. I'm sure I heard them just a second before...Where are they?'

Soon her question was answered when the body of her brother landed in front of her. Totally normal; no need to think about it...right?

Before she could help him, the others jumped down to attack him – now lying on the floor, grunting in pain. "Um, okay? Sorry for interrupting...whatever this is, but have you seen [name]?" She asked them, crouching down. While struggling, Kai got his head out from under the other ninja. "What?" She sighs at his answer, turning towards the others. Lightly picking his head up, Jay looks up at Nya. "Oh. Hey, Nya!" Chuckling, Nya returned his greeting. "I'm pretty sure she's in her garden."

"She has a garden?"

"Oh, yeah! Pretty big, actually." Cole said as he stood up from the pile, dusting himself off. Helping up the other ninja, he turned to Nya, motioning her to follow him inside the Monastery. All of them quickly jumped up to follow him. While walking through the many corridors and rooms, Kai speaks up. "Wow. Didn't know the Monastery was so big." Zane quickly said, "Some are varied in size; although it is more common for them to be very small, there are few that could accommodate many people." "Huh."

Passing the boy's room, they had finally made it to an open door – which led to the outside where [name] was. They were watering some of her plans, more specifically, her Chamomiles. It had grown a lot since the last time the guys had visited the garden. It had a peaceful ambiance, almost inviting. The brightly colored flowers are arranged in neat rows and smell sweet. Full of beautiful blooms in pink, red, white, and purple shades.

"Wow..." "Told you it was big." The siblings turn to Cole, giving him a surprised look. Nya was the first one to move towards [name]. She placed herself at their side, leaning on her. Lightly moving her head to the side, looking at her. Giving her a small nod in acknowledgment. "Hello, Nya."

The sound of something crunching and small gasps made the two girls turn. Kai had stepped on one of her patches, specifically her morning glories. A sharp gasp left [name], the watering can in her hands drooping. "[name]? You okay?" Nya asked her as she waved her hand in front of her face. The situation only worsened when Jay pulled out a flower to give to Nya. Without wasting time, [name] moved quickly, grabbing the group and throwing them out of her garden.


After the whole...accident, each ninja separated their own ways. Which reminded Cole about something. 'I should probably talk to Sensei.' Cole moved towards his Sensei room, entering – which showed him drinking his tea. "Sensei... I've been thinking." Master Wu lifted his head, motioning his student to continue. "How did Garmadon gain control over the Underworld's Skeleton Army?" "Hmm... Garmadon and I were brothers and the best of friends, but then he turned and fell." Master Wu seemed shaken up, seemingly remembering part of his past that Cole had unknowingly reminded him of.

Cole just awkwardly stood there, waiting for any response from his Sensei. He nervously played with his nails. 'I should clean them, damn.' After a couple of minutes, Wu seemed to finally come to his senses, but still confused about the whole situation, he asked him again.

"So, how did Garmadon gain control over the Underworld?"

"I don't know. I expect they just sat and agreed over a nice cup of tea."

Notes: ———————More bounding moments because I like them <3 I know this wasn't a really good rendition of the mini movie, considering I skip a lot

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More bounding moments because I like them <3
I know this wasn't a really good rendition of the mini movie, considering I skip a lot.
This was a pretty short chapter, only 909 words.

For some context, morning glory is another name for Ipomoea tricolor. Fun facts: They attract butterflies and hummingbirds!
They are sensitive to cool temperatures. (It was originally supposed to be Zane the one to step on them)

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, have a nice day and stay hydrated!

Have a cat!

(' - 7

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