Secrets of the Blacksmith

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The gang + Wu made their
way back to the Monastery.
Reader gets a break and
Jay and Nya had a moment,

"Okay, what about Ryder? What do we think about that one

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"Okay, what about Ryder? What do we think about that one."

"He doesn't seem like a 'Ryder' to me."

"What do you mean? He can totally rock the name, Ryder! Right, [name]?" Cole slightly turned his head to the side to face them. She looked at him with a small smile and nodded back. He smugly faces the other ninja, "See, even she likes it." The other just gave him a disappointed look, not really surprised. "What about you, Big Guy. Do you like the name, Ryder?" He asked his Dragon as he petted it. At least, it responded to the pets, but not much to his new name. "I suppose it is better than your last attempt," Zane said.

A loud groan catches the attention of everyone; they all look back to see that Jay is responsible for it. "How long till we get back? I don't want Wisp to be carrying all this stuff!" He complaint. "Oh, so Ryder is a bad name, but Wisp isn't?" Cole rebuttal. "Well, yeah! Wisp is a good name!" "No, it isn't." After that, everyone seemed to ignore their little fight and concentrated on a new conversation, this time coming from Nya.

"So, does the Monastery have more than ONE room? I don't mind you guys, but I don't really like the idea of the probability of sharing a room." Master Wu turned slightly to face the girl, giving her a straight answer; "You will have your own room, so there's no need to worry about it."

After that, the "ride" back home was quiet – besides the mini argument Cole and Jay were having. That has somehow escalated. "Ryder can totally bet "Wisp" in a race any day!" Jay just scoffed, "Really? Are you serious right now? He can and will totally win. Right, Sparky." He said as he petted his Dragon's head. "Are you sure about that?"

Wanting to put a stop to the situation, Zane spoke up; "A race doesn't seem like a  reasonable plan." But unfortunately, they didn't listen, and before anyone else could intervene, they flew ahead.


"Yes, in your face Cole!" Jay celebrated as he jumped off Wisp, giving him many pets and compliments. Cole and [name] were let down – as softly as "Ryder" could manage, yet they still hit the floor. Hard. [name] recovered first, still a bit disoriented as they stood straight. They leaned themself on Ryder to keep their balance. The other three arrive a few seconds later, watching them from afar. "Let's hope we still have our things," Said Nya as she moved in Wisp's direction. "Yeah, Jay. Our stuff had better not fall off!"

Zane helped Master Wu down his Dragon – even though he didn't need it, he appreciated it. Action than [name] later copied Cole as he was still lying on the floor. He apologized to Ryder, who finally expressed his disagreement with the name, it wasn't bad, but it could be better. "I promise to find a better name for you, okay?"

"So, what should we do now?" Kai asked as both he and Nya brought their baggage down off Wisp. Master Wu turned and pointed at them with his cane. "You two, accommodate yourselves inside. I will take care of the Dragons right now." He then turned to his other three students; "Now you, train!" Cole had no problem with that decision, deciding to carry his fellow ninja and [name] to "their way to train." Before he could go far, Master Wu stopped him, "No, not [name]. I have a task for her." Small groans of disappointment left the small groans. However, they didn't stop her from getting off. She bid goodbye with a light bow and approached Master Wu. "{name]. Please show Kai and Nya the spare room. After that, you are dismissed for today. I will see you in two days." She nodded, walking by the sibling to guide them inside. "Please, follow me,"

They followed her inside in silence; they hadn't really "hung out" with her. At least not as much as the other had. It was a bit awkward. "This is the spare room." She said while opening the door. She bowed at them and started to walk away. "Wait, um. Thanks for showing us?" Nya had stopped her, only to receive a slight nod. "You don't have to thank me. We will see each other later." [name] said, and then she left.

Nya stays put, staring at her as she walks away. "She's weird." "Yeah, everyone here is weird." Kai said jokingly, "But they're nice. Now help me with this stuff."


"Mistress, I am fine. There's no need to worry."

"Shush, now let me take a good look at you,"

Once the door to the tea shop had opened, Mystake ran to the front and embraced the girl. She doted on the girl and frantically checked her for any scratches or injuries. "That Wu, deciding to take you away with a word. How dare he?!" She angrily pointed out, parting from the girl. She walked deep into the shop, still complaining along the way.

"Master Wu has new students."



Jay and Nya returned to Four Weapons Blacksmith riding on Wisp the next day. "Hey, Nya. Check this out." Yeah, this is a great moment to show off. He goes to ground level quickly while disturbing the peace of the citizens below. Nya could only sigh, "Jay, grow up. Also, we're here." He stops at the shop entrance, extending his hand to help her off. Which she ignored and jumped off gracefully. "Thanks for helping out, blue boy. Now that I'm moving in with you guys, I just need to get a few things." Jay nervously played with his hands, "Oh yeah, totally. Um, do you need a hand?" Nya begins walking towards the shop, turning to face him to say, "No. Just wait here." Oh.. .uh... okay.

As Nya enters the shop to collect a few essentials, she gets ambushed by four Skulkin: Wyplash and his three warriors.

"Well, hello, little girl. We've been expecting you." Nya only rolled her eyes, "May I remind you that this is private property and that trespassing is against Ninjago law paragraph thirteen, section two?" She threatened as she approached Wyplash as she cracked her knuckles. "Oh, I thought paragraph thirteen was-" Damn, the man got punched in the face. This officially escalated, and they soon realized they did not have the upper hand. "Don't lose your head now."

While a one-sided fight happened on the inside, Jay was waiting outside. Deciding to pace around to distract himself. "Hey...Nya. Maybe after this, you wanna go for a ri-" He turned to face Wisp, who dared to roll his eyes at him. It may be a bad pick-up line but don't diss my boy like that. "Augh, Jay. Keep it together, man." His little conversation was interrupted by the sound of a gong? "Nya? Is everything alright there?" As he said those words, Nya exited the shop unharmed. "Oh, Nya! You're alright. What was that sound?" She dust off her hands on her clothes before she faces him, "Oh, nothing. Just knocked over some samurai helmets and stuff. Let's go."

As Jay, Nya, and Wisp leave the Four Weapons Blacksmith, the Skulkin Warriors are shown to be piled up in their bones.

"Wyplash, man. We just got beaten by a girl."

"This remains between the four of us."

Notes: ———————Well, hello again! I decided to write the mini-movies because I love filler chapters :D Fun fact: Master Wu was riding with Zane

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Well, hello again! I decided to write the mini-movies because I love filler chapters :D
Fun fact: Master Wu was riding with Zane

Not a bad one, ngl I don't hate it
1314 words

Have a nice day/afternoon/night and stay hydrated!

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