Chapter one

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(Luna's POV, 24 hours before primfaya.) 

Making sure no one spotted me, I make my way towards the entrance of Polis. Like Rocky said Isabelle was there waiting with a bag full of supplies. When she saw me she quickly ran over. 

"Mommy said that you are gonna take me away?" She asked. 

"Yes, it's not safe here anymore. We need to leave now." I responded. 

"But it's raining." She said looking at the sky. 

"This is specisal rain. It guarentees that no one will follow us." I told her. She nodded and walked closer to me. "I'm gonna pick you up so we can run okay?" I asked. She nodded again. I leaned down so she can get on my back. Once she was secure I grabbed the bag she had and started running. 


We had been running in the direction of shallow valley when the sky started to get more red. I felt the air around us heat up and I knew that the fire part of primfaya would be coming soon. We were still about a day away from the valley so I knew we had to find somewhere to hide. 

I looked around and saw a cave. I quickly ran into it and check how deep it was. It didn't seem deep enough to protect us so I ran out and looked for more. 

After looking for about fifteen minutes, I finally found one that I hoped would be deep enough. Once we were inside I looked at all the things that Rocky packed in the bag. 

There was enough food to last us about 40 days, even longer if I only ate when I was hungry. She also packed flashlights, two radios- that I don't know how to use -, water, bandages, paper and pen, books, school supplies, a note, and a watch on a necklace. The note and watch was for Isabelle so I gave them to her. She read it and tears fell down her face. She put the neckalce around her neck and hugged the note close to her while lying down. I couldn't help but feel bad, knowing that she just lost her last parent. I put all the suff back in the bag before laying down and letting sleep take over. 


(Lexa's POV, 1 hours before primfaya)

It's been around a month since I was captured. WIthout the flame in my head I feel empty. Like a normal teenage girl. The flame made me mature early on. It took away my innocence. But now all the things that the flame helped me not to feel, I feel 100 times harder. One of the things I feel is my love for Rocky. Though I loved Rocky before, now my love for her is so much stronger. I just wanna hold her and never let go. 

It's been about two days since I've last seen my capters. I think it's time for me to try and make my escape. I've been working on lossening the ropes around my wrists and I think I can slip my hands out now. 

By the time I finally got free I heard a low rumble coming from outside. I quickly run out and see some sort of fire coming towards me. It looked like the mountain men's fog but much more dangerous. I quickly ran back inside and went underground to hide. 


A/N: Not edited, please point out my mistakes. 

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