Chapter two part 2

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I was in the cafeteria getting lunch when the chaos started. It all happend so fast. One second everything was calm, the next the doors were closed and we were trapped. Looking around I notice that the room was filled with sky people. Noticing this was a plan in favor of Skaikru I hid. I wanted to get a propper grasp on the situation before doing anything. 

"What is this?" I heard Jackson ask. 

"Everybody stay calm. We're safe here. They can't get to us." The girl from earlier shouted. 

"What are you doing?" Kane asked. Someone know to him out from the back. Abby ran to him. 

"We're taking back what's ours."


After an hour of observing. I started to hear yelling from the other side of the door. Knowing that was Octavia, I came out from my hiding spot, Lexa's sword already in my hand. At this moment I was thankful that I took this sword everywhere with me. 

The second people noticed who I was I had guns pointed at my head. I smiled, a deadly smile. "This is going to be fun" Moving faster than they could comprehend I injured one of the gunners.

"I've been training to be a warrior since I was 10. This is child's play." The sound of gunshots would of had anyone convinced that I was a goner. But being the skilled assain that I am, I was able to disarm them all. 

"You are either apart of our nation, apart of Wonkru, or you are our enemy," I pointed my sword at them. "Choose" One of the few men decided to be brave and ran towards me. He was lying dead on the floor not even a second later. 

"You are apart of Wonkru, or you are our enemy. Choose" I stated once again. After a couple more guys ended up like their friend, they finally decided to back down. It was at this moment that the door opened.  

"Just the guilty" I heard Octavia yell. I walked over to her, looking at the blood on her face, she also notice the blood on mine. We both nodded at each other. "We want them alive" I gave her a questioning look which she ignored.  

I notice Kara, the leader in all this, trying to escape. I point her out to Octavia and we follow her. We enter just in time to see her trying to take the easy way out. Octavia had a dagger that she through in Kara's hand. She dropped the gun. 

"It won't be that easy" I told her. 


Octavia had told us that Jaha was injured. Abby and Kane joined us to find him. 

"Where is he?" Abby asked. 

"Over there" Octavia pointed. 

"Thelonious?" Abby asked touching his face. She lifted up his shirt, "It's not just blood. It's Bile. I think he perforated his liver. I need something sharp. I need to get in there"

"Abby" Jaha whispered. "You can't fix me this time." 

"Thelonious, fight" Kane said sharply

"I think his fight is over" Octavia stated. I couldn't help but say 'finally' in my head. 

"Octavia... promise me that you'll take care of Ethan"

"You have my word. I'll take care of the boy." 

"Just take me Home, Marcus. Take me to my wife. Take me to Wells" No one seemed to understand what he meant by that, so I stepped up. 

I may hate the guy but he's already dying. "In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you reach the next. Safe pasage on your travels. Until our  final journey to the ground." I took a step back and let Marcus finish. 

"May we meet again." He said as he saw Jaha's head lowerd Abby repeated the words then Octavia soon after. 

"Yu gon plesti odon" I whispered. 


Back in the meeting room, Octavia told me about the books Bellmay used to read to her. She explained her plan going forward and I agreed. 

After sitting in silence for a couple of minute. Indra and Gaia walked in. "Your people Await justice."

"Come let's get you both clean before-" Gaia cut her mother off.


"Gaia.... If you dare say the spirts of the commanders object, then I must remind you that those spirits have abandoned us." I couldn't help but put my head down a bit, at Indra's harsh word. 

I miss Lexa so much. 

"I don't believe they have." She walked over to us. "My mother is correct. Our faith dictates that only a true commander can unite the clans, that without a natblida,we would be lost. Luckily we have one."

"Gaia... I'm not-" She cut me off. 

"I know you won't accept the flame. When you let Octavia live, when you decided to share the bunker you delivered us from Praimfaya. Today you both delivered us from starvation. I now believe that you both will deliver us back to the ground."

"Come. You'll need clean armor." Indra spoke to us both. 

"Leave it" Gaia expressed, "Let them see her like this." She offered us her hands and walked us to the mirror. "The blood of our enemies is their armor."


When we walked oppened the doors the room was already filled with people. 

"There are too many people in the bunker. " I announced. "And if we don't do something about this, none of us will survive to see the sun, the sky, the ground, and we won't let that happen."

We walked around to see the people in the pit more clearly. "Each of you have commited crimes against wonkru," Octavia spoke up. "and the punishment for this is death." We made sure we were the center of attention as she said this. 

I had to hold back my smirk as people shouted in protest. They were upset that the girl who stole blankets was down there. If we wanted to make sure everyone survived long enough to find a way out of this bunker, even the smallest of crimes have to be punished. When someone put the blame on skaikru I was quick to respond. 

"There is no Skaikru. There is only Wonkru and the enemies of wonkru. Would you like to join them?" I asked. The guy who spoke remained quiet.

"But this isn't the Ark, and this isn't the ground either. There is no blood must have blood." Octavia spoke up. "In Rome, the Gladiators had the opportunity to fight for their freedom." I raied my hands and the guards made them get on their feet. 

"And so will you." I smirked. Octavia took off her sword and through it down to the contestents. "Conclave rules. Win the fight, save your life." They all ran for the sword and Kara, who earlier claimed to would have never killed her own people, killed them all. 


The man stood victorious as he won against all the others. 

Some gaurdsmen dragged the dead bodies out.

"Blodreina(red queen), gona haiplana (warrior queen), what is our champion's fate?" Gaia asked. 

Me and Octavia sat side by side on our thrones. We looked around then at each other. At the same time we raised our hand to let him live. 

"Bring in the next combatants." I yell. the Next group came in. Kane was the last to enter. 


A/n: Remember to point out my mistakes. And comment. If i'm taking too long to update comment and rush me it'll motivate me to write more as long as you're not rude about it.

From a Survivor to a Blood Queen (Commander Lexa x oc)Where stories live. Discover now