Chapter five part 2

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"Somemthing's coming!"

We looked and saw what appears to be a storm heading our way.

"Sandstorm" Clarke mumbles.

"It's blocking our way back." Bellamy points out.

"Can we outrun it?" Indra asked.

"As long as it keeps moving latterally from east to west we shouldn't have to, but if the wind shifts..." Clarke replied.

"The wind hasn't met Wonkru. Now there's no choice. We keep moving." Octavia told everyone.

"Keep moving?" Bellamy asked getting in her way, "thanks to you, we're stuck between razor-blade winds and burrowing parasitic bugs."

"Thanks to you, we're at war." I interjected.

"Only if you insist on fighting it."

"Fight or die. That's all there is." Octavia told him. "You don't understand. I get it, 'cause you're not one of us."

"Is Obika one of you? Hmm?" He asked her, "Because you're about to end his life like he means nothing. I understand that."

Cooper launches at him but Indra pulls her back. "Cooper, no."

"Show some respect" A lot of our people get defensive.

"Bellamy" Clarke said aloud.

"Easy. I'd stop if I were you." Octavia told him

While she was walking away, he whispered "What happened to you?"

"A lot." I answered him before walking off after her.

Before I could get 3 feet away we heard screaming. The four of us ran to the tent.

Obika was violently shaking and screaming. "Hold him down!" Clarke yelled.

"Get it out!" Obika yelled. The thing inside of him seemed to have multiplied.

Suddenly Obika's stomach exploded and every started panicing trying to get out.  I couldn't help but noticed a weird feeling in my arm as I was running.

"Indra! Burn it down! Kill them all!" Octavia yelled once everyone was out. Indra did as she was told.

She had tripped and ended up on the ground. Suddenly everything became a blur as the pain in my arm intensified.

One moment I was standing outside the burning tent, the next I was being held down with a knife to my arm.

I vaugely heard Octavia screaming as I tried to stop mine. Once the bug in my arm was out, I came back to my senses.

"You still don't get it, Wonkru does not retreat." I heard Octavia say, panting out of breath.

"You do if you want to live." Bellamy told her.

"Now is not the time for a debate." Indra's voice silenced them both. "Even if we did retreat, the path home puts us in the middle of a sandstorm."

"Those ruins are not our home. That valley is, and we're taking it back." Octavia voice still held pain as she stood up.

"Octavia easy, the venom's still in your system." Clarke warned.

"Get ready to understand." Octavia said to Bellamy before walking away. After a dramatic pause Clarke walked over to me.

"Are you okay? You didn't scream once and you were staring blankly the whole time." She sounded worried.

"I've been through worse." I told her before my vision became black.


When I became concious again I was quickly informed about everything. About the eye in the sky, and about how our people formed a circle around Octavia and I to protect us from the sandstorm. Many died in the process.

I was lying next to Octavia still not at my full strength when she woke up. She looked over to see Clarke attending to Indra.

"What's wrong with her? Is it a worm?" Octacia asked the question my throat stopped me from asking.

"I don't think so." Clarke answered. "I'm guessing there's glass in her lungs. We gotta get her back to polis"

"Ai Kwins," Miller walked up to us. "There's eleven dead. twelve including Obika."

"Take their weapons and their aromor." Everyone thought the pain in Octavia's voice was from the worm, but I knew it was more than that. "Leave the bodies."

"Leave them?" Cooper asked.

"There's no time." Octavia explained. "The enemt can see us. Sound the retreat."

"Prepare to move out!" Cooper yelled after standing and walking away.

Clarke walked over to us. "How are those arms?" she asked, pulling Octavia's to look at it. She then looked at mine. "Damage to the muscle should be minimal, but we'll know more in a few days."

"Thanking you for saving my life." Octavia responded looking towards her. And Clarked nodded.

"You saved ours." Bellamy responded walking over. "You were right. Wonkru is strong. Just like their leaders."

Octavia sat up to get on his level. "I'm glad you're alive, big brother." then she hugged him. "But if you ever speak out against Wonkru again, then you are an enemy of Wonkru." She grabbed his head. "And you are my enemy."

There stares got broken by the sound of a car. Everyone aimed their guns. A little girl ran out and I yelled hold. She didn't seem to care about the guns as she ran towards Clarke. Next came Monty, then Harper, then Echo who ran towards Bellamy. I was more than shocked to see them kiss.

My daze went away quickly when I saw another girl get out of the car. This girl looked like an older version of Isabelle and I carefully stood up and walked closer. This girl started towards Clarke but stopped when she saw me.

"Mom?" I heard her ask quietly.

"Izzy!" I screamed and she immediatly smiled.

"Mom!" She yelled this time and ran towards me.

"Bella wait!" I heard Clarke yell as Izzy crashed into me not knowing about my injury.

I didn't care about the pain though, because I had my daughter back. After hugging for a long minute I pulled back.

"Look at you! You're tall now." I said trying to hide the pain in my voice. Before Primfaya she barely reached my stomach. Now she's up to my shoulders. "And you're a teenager. I missed it all."

"I missed you. So much. Aunty Clarke told me stories, from when you were younger." She leaned in closer and in a tone just above a whisper she said, "Aunt Luna told me stories too."

I smiled upon hearing this. She didn't forget about me. "I can't wait to hear all your stories." I combed my fingers through her hair. "You've been staying with Luna and Clarke?" I asked, wanting to hear her talk.

"Yeah, and Madi too. Oh and-" before she finished her sentence, Clarke cut her off.

"Rocky, your bandage is bleeding. Let me clean it for you." She said and I looked down noticing she was right.

"What happened?" Izzy asked concerned.

"There are a lot of dangers in the sand, baby." I told her vaugley before walking closer to Clarke.


A/N: This is going to sound very confusing but I'm going to try to explain why I haven't been updating 😭. So basically I'm still in school so i'm busy all the time, and whenever i'm not busy, i'd rather catch up on sleep or hang with my family/friends instead of updating. And when I am busy I don't have time to write. But at the same time when I'm busy is when I have motivation to write, but I'm not able to because I'm busy.

I'm an author, i'm supposed to be good with words, but that made no sense 😭.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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