Chapter four part 2

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"Who are they?" I asked looking towards the two strangers who came down.

"We're here to rescue you." The girl responded

"Why are you armed?" Octavia asked and we both walked forward.

"O" Bellamy said at the same time Clarke said "Rocky"

"It's okay. We have an understanding." Bellamy explained.

"Before we get to that," Clarke looked towards me. "Where's my mom?"

"I'll take her to her mother," Indra responded looking our way.

"So," The lady spoke. "I take it you're his sister." She looked towards me, "And you're hers"

"I take it you want to lose an arm, I'd be happy to oblige." I respond pulling out my sword and stepping forward.

"Rocky..." Bellamy started and I snapped my head towards him.

"I'm sorry? Was I speaking to you" I said with obvious hatred in my voice.

"Gona haiplana, stand down." Octavia look towards me and I stared right back. After a minute I sighed and went to stand next to Octavia.

"She's fiesty. I like it" The girl smirked. I only glared.

"Girls, this is Colonel Diyoza." Bellamy explained.

"Colonel?" Octavia asked.

"Used to be." Diyoza explained. "Love the war paint, by the way" She said gesturing to the blood that is coating both of our faces.

"Ok, so how do we do this?" Bellmay asked cutting the tension.

"Two at a time." Diyoza repsonded. "Why don't you people get your things, and we'll get started as soon as we're ready topside?" She yelled to the crowd. She was surprised when no one moved.

It was only when Octavia and I gave the same head gesture at the same time, that they listened.

"Exactly how many people should we be prepping for extraction?"

"1,200" Bellamy responded.

"814" Octavia and I both corrected at the same time.

"Copy that"

Diyoza pressed her ear. "The number of people we are saving today is 814. You got that, Shaw? How's it coming up there?"

Octavia and I went up first. "Kom falau oso na gyon op." Our people chanted as we rose. Someone helped us up and unclipped us. For the first time in a long time we looked up at the sky.

Bellamy walked up to me and Octavia after a while. "The deal was no weapons"

"Not my deal." Octavia and I say at the same time.

"I need to talk to you in private." He said directed at Octavia, "Give me a second then follow me." He said as he walked away.

After waiting for a minute Octavia walked after him. I stayed behind and watched our people leave the bunker.

I watched as Kane got pulled up, then Abby. I saw indra walk up to Kane. I walk up to her after she walked away.

"What the hell was that?" I asked her.

"Gona Haiplana" She sighed. "Come on Rocky... You know he doesn't deserve to die." She gave me a look.

I sighed. "If Octavia finds out, you're on your own. You better hope he's good at disappearing"

"Yes Gona" She nodded. Indra has always been like an aunt to me. She has really kept me sane through these six years.


There was an explosion and the fountain was now gone.

"Sorry about your pretty fountain," Diyoza said and I have to stop myself from attacking. "but that was only half power. I know most of you are armed. If anyone moves for a weapon, you'll see what full power does to human flesh. It's not pretty."

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? One call from me-" Bellamy asked storming in. Octavia came to stand near me.

"Make your call" Diyoza cut him off. Bellamy pulled out a radio.

"Raven, come in. Read me?" Nothing is heard.

"The deal's off, but nobody has to get hurt." Diyoza responded.

"Someones coming." Clarke ran up.

"Hold your fire. Where's your mother?" Dioyza asked.

"She's our doctor. You can't have her" Octavia stated as we both walked forward.

"She asked you a question." Diyoza's right hand man spoke up. "Where is the doctor?"

They pulled out another weapon and our people started to move. "No! Hold." Octavia and I say at the same time.

"I'm right here." Abby yelled walking into view. "Don'r shoot. We'll come without a fight."

"I bet you will, traitor." Octavia spoke.


"The two of us." Abby told them motioning to Kane."Those are my terms."

"I see where your daughters get it from." She motioned to Clarke and I. "Take them both."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Clarke asks.

"I love you, Clarke. And believe it or not you too Rocky"

"Ok, then." Diyoza yelled when Abby was pulled away. "Here are my terms. The valley is ours. any attempt to get there will be met by overwhelming force. As long as you stay here, we won't have a problem. Is that a problem?"

I wanted so bad to say something but knew it would not end well.

"What about Raven and Murphy?" Bellamy asked.

"For now, insurance. Let's go. On me. Szybunka that's an order" Szybunka went to aim the weapon at me and octavia and one of our man jumped in front pushing us back. The effect of the weapon still hurt like hell. We both screamed out.

"Szybunka, you idiot!" Diyoza yelled. "Get to the ship. Move! Now! Prep for Emergency Evac.

Suddenly my hearing went out. I looked up and saw a very blury Indra standing above me. After a while of regaining my vision and my hearing, Indra slowly helped me up. I looked to my right and saw Octavia being helped by another warrior.

We slowly walked past Bellamy and Octavia stopped. "I trusted you. This is your fault."

"Bloodreina, Gona Haiplana. What do we do now?" Miller asked from a distance.

"Now we go to war." We said in sync. Bellamy and Clarke looked at us like we were crazy. We walked past them. 

From a Survivor to a Blood Queen (Commander Lexa x oc)Where stories live. Discover now