Chapter two part 1

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(Rocky's POV) (46 days after primfaya) 

I stand on the wall watching Octavia fight with Jackson. 

"Octavia." Indra said walking in, she looked over to me and I walked closer. "The delgates have assembled."

"Dressing us up doesn't fool anyone." I said knowing what she was thinking. 

"My blood is red, and Rocky doesn't want the flame. That will always be the way it is." Octavia added on. 

Indra gave Jackson a look and he left. "Symbols matter, Octavia, Rocky. These symbols. Trust me. The more people connect you with them the easier it is for you to lead." 

"It's never easy to lead. If the clans are gonna accept us it's going to be as us." I said walking away, ending the conversation. 


"Cabor of  Delphikru stole blankets from Sangeda quarters!" One of the ambassadors. 

"A brazen lie!" Another shouted. 

"There are witnesses his guilt is not in question. By Sangedakru law he should be stoned, and his family cast out." 

"And on the Ark, he would have been floated," Kane spoke up, "But surely here, we can instill a justice system. Where the punishment fits the crime."

"The crime was against us; and our justice should prevail."

"So much for wonkru" Octavia said. 

"Octavia is right." I speak up. "There are no seprate clans here. You do well not to forget that." 

"Alright, then what punishment does the champions impose." The same lady ambassador ask. 

I look towards Octavia letting it be her decison. 

"For stealing blankets?" She asks, "Give them back. What's next?" 


We just found out, from Kane and Abby, that the bunker is burried underground. So in five years when the ground is surviable again, we won't be able to leave. There are so many problems with that. We don't have enough food, or space to live here for more than five years. 

Octavia, Indra, Kane Abby, and I are standing in the meeting room. Jaha and Kara just walked in. 

"I take it you already know." Abby states. 

"Everybody knows." Jaha responds. 

"Why is she here?" Indra asked looking towards Kara then Jaha. "She's not an Engineer."

"Kara runs the Hydroponic farm, just like she did on the Ark." Jaha states. "You need to here what she has to say." 

"Here are the blueprints. Go ahead." Octavia invites. 

"I don't need the blueprints, I studied them well enough before taking this bunker for our people. You want to know if there's another way out. There isn't" Jaha replied. 

"You couldn't have just said that in the beginning?" I asked. 

"This changes nothing." Kane said ignoring me. If I end up killing someone for ignoring me, don't be surprised. "We can't survive outside for the next 5 years, anyways. That means we have 5 years to solve this problem. What would it take to cut around the hatch, break through the door? You point me to a weak spot. I'll get you a team that can break through"

"You're not listening" Jaha cut him off. "Even if we could cut around the hatch, which we can't, I'm guessing thay the tower collapsed above us, which means thousands of tons of rubble. As far as the outer wall, that's 12 inches of solid steel surrounded by bedrock. There are no vunerablilites, and we don't have the equipments to exploit them if there were. Not in 5 years, not in a hundred."

"There's a more pressing issue. The hydrofarm's yield won't support us beyond those 5 years." Kara explained. "Even if we replace the medicinal fields with food producers and rotate them for nutrient diversity, will eventually lead to a mass die-off."

"For the plants and for us."

"Is there any good news?" I asked. They shook there heads. 

"Why are we just hearing of this now?" Indra asked. 

"Before now, I could manage it. When they allowed 1,200 people into this bunker, it was based on 5-year calculations."

"I can make it 1,199 people right now." I resonded stepping forward. 

"You're blaming us for this?" Octavia asked holding her hand in front of me to stop me from continuing forward. 

"You forced your own people out into that fire, and for what?"

"You haven't gotten the memo yet have you?" I asked. "Everyone in here are our people now." 

"Get her out of here." Indra commanded. 

"This bunker wasn't yours to give."


"Jaha found it. It belonged to us. You had no right."

"You forget that is what my people who owned it in the first place." Indra cut her off. 

"That's enough" I stopped the conversation. "Get out now" I said looking towars Kara, and she left. 

"What the hell is her problem?" Octavia asked. 

"Kara's father died in the culling on the ark, and her husband, well, he didn't make the cut for the bunker." Abby informed.

"Boohoo" I said with no emotion. "She's not the only one who's lost people." Abby stared at me with a guilty look. 

"She's done the math. She knows we'll have to consider population reduction yet again." Jaha informed. 

"Of course that's you're immediate solution." I glared at him.

"Not a chance." Octavia glared too. "If we need an engineer again, we will let you know."

Indra opened the door and he walked out. 

"We should increase the guard presence on every floor. I suggest assigning them to their own clans." Indra suggested. 

"I'll segregate meal clans, and convene the delegates." Kane volunteered. 

"Let's just get back to the fact that there are too many people in this bunker." Abby inputted. 

"Let's not." Octavia shut her down. 

"I agree. It's not a decision for today, but, as much as I hate to say it, Jaha's rig-" Octavia cut Kane off. 

"Is not in charge. Neither are you or the delegates. We are, and we didn't save everyone so we could just kill ourselves." 

"Octavia, this isn't a game-" I cut him off this time. 

"Octavia has decided."

"No offense, but Octavia hasn't been very intrested in leading." Kane looked my way. 

"She's intrested now. Octavia and I are a team. She wasn't ready before so I stepped up." I responded.

"What happens if we half rations?" Indra asked Abby. "Would it give us more time?"

"Theoretically, yes, but we're already at baseline."  She responded. "It won't be long before we start seeing cases of adaptive thermogenis, starvation response."

"Will we survive or not?" Octavia asked.

"We'll survive. We'll just wish we didn't"

"Some of us already" Kane inputted. 

"Then we go to hald rations" Octavia declared I nodded my head in agreement. "


A/n: Finally got this chapter done. I'm sorry it took so long. I hate Jaha so much, it was a real pain to rewatch the episode and write about it. He talks sooo much.  

Also this chapter is long. Can you believe that this whole chapter is only 9 minutes of the episode?"

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't be shy to point out my mistakes, I'll fix them when i finish and revise this series. 

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