Chapter four part 1

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(Rocky's POV) (Present time)

Octavia and I were sitting on our thrones watching the people in the ring. Another day, another crime, another battle. This time, Kane was among the ones in the pit. 

A lot has happend since we first closed the bunker. We went from people following us because they loved us to people following us because they feared us. I'm not gonna say that I'm proud of it but I will do whatever it takes to make sure the human race survives. 

Our people were making noise ready for the battle. They all quited down when Gaia raised both of her hands. Octavia and I kept our faces straight. 

"Each of these 4 combatants have committed crimes against Wonkru." Gaia yelled out. "They are our enemies, traitors to our people, traitors to our code of strength, unity, and honor. But today one of you will be given a chance to once again be called our brother or sister. Hoever, first, you must survive. The only rule in this arena is be the last." After she finished her speach the crowd erupted into screams. They rattled the gates that kept them seperate. "As always, as we invite death into this hall, we honor it." Everyone took a moment of silence. "Omon Gon Oson" She said the phrase that meant 'All of me for all of us'. Everyone repeated afterwards. 

"Be the last" With those final words the fighting begun. 


Kane was the last one standing. Everyone started booing seeing him kill his competiton. 

"He's losing them" Indra whispered to Octavia and I. 

"Marcus Kane," Gaia started, "In stealing life-giving medicine from wonkru, you have committed a crime against our people, but you are the last. Has he earned his freedom Blodreina? Gona haiplana?" She asked. 

Octavia looked to me as we both stood up. Octavia and I are always in sync. We think the same, so it was no suprise when we spoke at the same time "No. He fights again tomorrow" The crowd starts roaring excited for what awaits them.


The next day, Octavia and I enter the room where Kane was being held. She spoke first. 

"You could have walked away with your freedom yesteday. You had the crowd on your side." 

I spoke next. "But you lost them when you showed weakness. We know you didn't steal the medicine, Kane." 

"Admit it. Tell us who took it, and we'll let you go. Only the guilty should fight in the arena."

"We're all guilty-" 

I quickly cut him off, "We're not here for a philosphy lesson, Kane. We're here to give you a second chance."

"And I'm offersing you the same." He started on his hero shit again. "You kept us together, Octavia. And you kept us alive Rocky. It's true wonkru's strong. We could have torn ourselves apart during the dark year-"

"One more word about the dark year, and I will put you in the arena, even if you tell the truth." Octavia cut him of this time. 

"And I will keep throwing you in until you don't win." I added. "You know the law"

"I won't fight."

Octavia says "Then you die" at the same time as I say "Then you bleed" We both stood up and started walking towards the door. 

"You lost your way." He yelled to us. "We all have. I've been quiet too long. You think the arena delivers justice."

"I think it keeps us alive" I snapped back at him. 

"I know it does," Octavia says stepping in front of me. 

"Your mother was floated for having a second child, for having you." he said to Octavia. "And your father was floated for trying to tell people the truth" he said to me, "I was party to that and so much more. We have a chance to do something better here. We're thowing it away. Girls, please. Strength wihtout mercy is nothing. It's nothing, but you both can end it. You can save us. It's not too late." 

"Are you done now?" I asked not caring about his speach. He sighed and looked to Octavia. 

"Tell me who stole the medicine, Kane." She demanded. 

"So be it." I responded after his silence. We both walked away. 


We are back on our thrones looking down at the arena. The throne I'm sitting on looks almost identical to Lexa's. No matter how long it's been, I still miss her. I would give anything to see her one more time. 

Gaia's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Omon Gon Oson." Everyone once again repeated after her. "And as always, be the last."

Kane stood there looking up. He didn't move. His opponent was not too happy. 

"I will not fight you." Kane said to him. "I will not kill this man." Octavia and I stood up walking down. "Somehow we allowed justice to become vengeance. And vengeance to become sport, and I allowed that, that darkness to rise." We enter the ring. "But my complicity ends today." 

"You are wonkru, or you are the enemy of wonkru." I yelled pissed. Kane's opponent dropped his weapon and kneeled down. "Choose." 

"I already have." 

I nodded towards octavia. She went to grab a sword and aksed him again. When his answer didn't change she kicked him down. 

"Get up" She yelled and I just watched. 

"Come on Kane, where is your survival instinct?" I yelled at him. 

"Saving my people is about more than keeping them alive. It's not too late." 

"For you, it is." She raised her hand about to strike him down when we heard rumbling from above. The roof started falling.

"Clear the arena" Indra yelled. 

"Get the prisoners ot their cells" I yelled. 

"Girls its not safe here" Indra tried to pull me and Octavia back but we wouldn't let her. There was now a whole where the bunker roof was. For the first time in six years,  we see actual sunlight. 

The next thing we know two people were coming down a rope. They turned around and standing in front of us were Bellmay and Clarke. Octavia jumped into Bellamy's arms as I walked to clarke.

"Clarke?" I asked before hugging her tight. I could hear Octavia telling Bellamy she knew he'd come. 

After we both let go, Octavia walked over to Clarke and they both held each other forearms. I looked over to Bellmay and quickly looked away. The only thing I see when I looked at his face, is my brother on his knees a bullet in his head. 

Clarke and Bellamy kept looking around. 


A/n: I'm sorry it keeps taking me months to write. This episode was really long though. I had to seperate it into two chapters again 

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