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(The story will be a mix of both the books and movie)


What. In. The. Name. Of. Good.

Clarissa thought back to her meeting with Lady Lesso the previous day. She hated that woman so much. When was Lesso actually calm. Well, she didn't hate her. Deep down Clarissa truly cared for her fellow dean, even if she was infuriating.

She thought back through the events of the day before and grimaced.

"He's tampering with the tales, Clarissa," Lesso had said.

Maybe she was right. Clarissa knew it was quite unlikely, even then, it was very suspicious how good had won for so long.

She shook her head. It wasn't nonsense, her students had just been taught better. Evil just needed new teachers. That was the problem. Evil's students weren't being prepped as much as Good's.

But that wasn't true. Evil seemed to work 10x harder, only to fail each time.

Maybe the School Master was able to control the Storian.

Suddenly someone crashed into her, awaking the professor from her trance.

"Heavens Saint Mary" Clarissa exclaimed.
Dovey looked down to see her gown soaked in prune tea. Alarmed professors around her began to dab at her dress, but she shooed them away.

"Those nymphs really are too tall," Clarissa said exasperatedly. "Next thing you know they'll knock down a tower!"

She rolled her eyes and walked upstairs to her room. When she entered she smiled. Letting out a breath of air. She was doing it again. Just not breathing. It seemed to happen whenever she got stressed.

"It's probably not anything major. Just calm down. Choose a new dress, and get to your first class."

As she walked into her closet she groaned.


That was the ONLY color that she could seem to see.

"I really need to go through my closet sometime soon. All this pink is going to make me go crazy."

Finally she found a gold dress and put it on.

Gold suited her better than pink anyways.

As she looked at the dress she smiled, remembering the first time she wore it.

✩ ✩ ✩

"Clarissa, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I am! No one will catch us!"

"What about that prince who proposed. What if he finds out?!"

"Hah, him?! I'm not going to marry him. He's not exactly my type."

"Well still, don't you plan on marrying someday."

"Not really, I prefer living alone here, teaching Good Deeds."


"Shh, let's just dance dear. The music is playing, and the sunset is perfect. I'd rather spend my time here with you, dancing the night away."

✩ ✩ ✩

She shook her head.

"I really haven't changed much, have I." Clarissa murmured to herself.

5 minutes later Dovey walked out of her room in a blue dress.

The gold dress held too many memories. She couldn't just wear it while teaching, that just seemed wrong. It was meant for so much more than that.

The blue dress however was just fine. No memories. Nothing important linked with it. She could wear the dress and breath.

"Everything will be fine Clarissa." The dean murmured to herself.

Worlds Apart; A Dovesso FanficWhere stories live. Discover now