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As Lesso walked across Halfway Bridge she smiled to herself. "Sometimes I may despise Clarissa, but other times I'm glad I get to work with someone like her." Lesso said quietly as she entered the School for Evil.

Throughout the rest of her classes, all Lesso could think about was her meeting later with Clarissa. That was more an annoyance than anything to the teacher, but she didn't let her clouded mind stop her from teaching as coldly and strictly as usual.

After what seemed like ages, the school day was over, and as the wolves howled, signaling the start of dinner, Lesso made her way back across the bridge to the School for Good.

As the Dean walked through the halls, up winding staircases, and by confused students, she wondered what she might say to her colleague. Finally, Lesso reached Dovey's door, with a flower in her hand (she'd picked it from a vase on her way up) and a script in her head. 

Dovey lifted her head at the sound of a knock at her door.  "Come in." The Good Dean said.

Lesso pushed open the door and smiled. "Hi there Princess."

Dovey blushed slightly and motioned for Lesso to sit down in the chair across from her. 

As Lesso sat Dovey conjured up teacups and a pot of tea. "How would you like your tea dear?"

"I'll take mine with some milk and one sugar cube, please," Lesso said, crossing her legs and leaning back in her seat. "Also, I brought you this." Lesso set the flower on Dovey's desk. 

"Thank you, Lesso!" Dovey said, handing Lady Lesso her cup of tea. "How did your day go?" Clarissa inquired before taking a sip of tea.

"It was ok, I had a student who thought that you could reverse petrification if you just poured water on the petrified person's head. Then there was another student who thought that all the villains would win if they just cursed their nemesis, and was completely oblivious to the fact that their nemesis would also have magic. It was insane and I have no hope for these student's futures." Lesso said between sips of tea.

"That sounds like some kids probably got an earful from you today." Dovey said, smirking.

"You bet they did!" Lady Lesso said, smirking back. "How was your day?"

"It was good, my favorite part was our walk down to the lake though." Dovey said, pouring herself a new cup of tea.

Lesso blushed and downed the rest of her tea to try and hide it.

"So, how about we head back to my room for your "therapy" session. I have a fireplace in there, and I think it might be a tiny bit more comfortable than my classroom. At least there are fewer desks in there." Clarissa said, waving her hand and causing the tea to disappear. 

"Sure. I'd love to see where the all-powerful fairy godmother sleeps." Lesso said, chuckling as she stood up.

Dovey laughed softly, "Maybe someday you'll even be lucky enough to see where I plan my lessons!" 

Lesso smirked, crossed the room, and opened the door, standing aside as Dovey passed through. "So, where do you plan your lessons?" Lesso asked as the two Deans walked through the hallways. 

"That's a secret deary!" Dovey said, pushing Lady Lesso jokingly.

"Well then, "deary", maybe you'd like to share that secret with your favorite person!" 

"Oh, Emma already knows where it is!"

Lesso rolled her eyes, "I meant me, dummy."

"Hey, watch who you call dummy. You may be taller, but I could still take you down."

"Uhm, Good defends, Evil attacks, so maybe YOU should watch out!" Lesso said, pushing Dovey back.

The two deans spent the rest of their walk talking about students, the weather, and other uninteresting things. Finally, they reached Dovey's room, and as the Good Dean opened her door the smell of roses washed over the two women.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm trying to grow a rose garden, I hope you're not allergic!" Clarissa said as she walked into her room.

Lesso followed Dovey and replied, "I should be fine, roses don't bother me, luckily." As the Dean of Evil entered her colleague's room, a strange sense of warmth washed over her. As she looked around, her first thought was that it was surprisingly tiny. She'd envisioned Clarissa to have this gigantic room when in reality it was on the small side.

"It's a bit small, but I like that, makes it feel cozy." Dovey said, seeing the look on Lesso's face. "We can sit over here." The Dean of Good gestured to two plump armchairs, seated by an empty fireplace.

Lesso sat and faced Clarissa. Clarissa began to talk but Lesso tuned her out, her focus on the way the sunbeams lit up Dovey's face, making her seem 20 years younger. 

"Hello? Lady Lesso? I asked you a question." Professor Dovey said, waving her hand in front of Lesso's face.

"Oh, sorry Clarissa, my mind was elsewhere." Lesso said, sitting up straight and shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

"It's fine dear," Dovey smiled and Lesso felt her heart skip a beat. "How much sleep have you been getting recently?"

Lesso thought for a moment before saying, "I think I managed to get 4 hours last night."

Clarissa's eyes widened, "4 HOURS!" She exclaimed, looking at Lesso in astonishment. "No wonder you can't seem to focus. What do you do instead? Lie in bed, staring at the ceiling?"

"Yes. Is that not normal?" Lesso said, crossing her arms.

"Normal? No! Another reason why I think you should be in therapy? Yes! Holy crow Lesso. You need to take better care of yourself!" 

"Don't get yourself all in a tiffy! I'm fine, really!" Lesso said before yawning. "As for the therapy bit, I don't have anything I need to talk about. ESPECIALLY not with some stranger!"

"Then talk about it with me. I'm not a stranger. I'm here for you Lesso." Dovey said, her voice softened and she put her hand on Lesso's knee.

"I barely know anything about you Clarissa. That makes you a stranger, also, you're good. There are things that you'll never understand. No matter how close you may want to get to me, I'm a never, you're an ever." Lesso shot back, her voice suddenly icy.

"Oh..." Clarissa said, pulling her hand back as if she'd been bit.

Lesso immediately regretted snapping at Dovey. "Clarissa- I-" The hurt in Dovey's eyes made Lady Lesso's heart feel as if it was being ripped apart. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of that."

Clarissa looked away and Lesso could've sworn she saw a tear fall from the Good Dean's eye. "I had no clue she cared that much." Lady Lesso thought to herself.

"It's ok," Dovey said, turning back to face Lesso. "I guess I was being a bit too pushy."

"No, you were fine. I guess I'm just on edge. Maybe almost no sleep isn't super great."

"Just maybe." Clarissa said, letting out a small laugh. 

"Also I'm grateful that you care enough about me to yell at me when I don't get enough sleep." Lesso said, smiling at the sound of Dovey's laugh. 

"Of course! I try to yell sense into you whenever I can. It's kind of fun!"

Lesso rolled her eyes. "So, are there any more therapy-esc questions you have for me? Or was questioning my sleep schedule the only thing you had in mind for this afternoon?"

Dovey giggled and shook her head, "I don't have any more "therapy-esc" questions, however, I was planning on asking you if you might help me with my lesson plan for tomorrow. Some of the students are so shallow, and I wonder if maybe a bit of your strictness could help my case in teaching them a tiny bit of good."

"I think I'm the wrong person to ask, but I'd love to help you out princess, as long as you help me figure out how to deal with the reader."

"Deal!" Dovey said, conjuring some papers out of the air, along with a few pens, 2 cups, and a pot of tea.

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