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"This day just keeps getting better and better!" Clarissa muttered to herself.

Her first class of the day slept through most of her lecture, and now there were animals stampeding the castle. Worst of all, one of the towers was on FIRE!

Maybe Lady Lesso was right. Readers were too much trouble. More trouble than they were worth.

"Hah. Lady Lesso. Right?! I'm not thinking straight at all." Dovey said as she rubbed her temples. "Plus this reader can't be so bad, I mean she has extraordinary power, making wishes come true. Agatha can't be so bad. I hope."

✩ ✩ ✩

A knock on her door awoke Dovey from her thoughts.

"Come in," she said softly.

The girl opened up the door and walked it.

"Sit down." Dovey said, as she looked over her papers.

"I'd prefer the School Master handle these things," she continued, flipping a page. "But we all know how he is about his privacy." Dovey looked up at Agatha, the poor girl looked terrified, but Dovey kept her face firm.

As she continued to speak, the dean studied the girl in front of her. She seemed scared speechless, but Clarissa didn't budge.

The dean finished speaking and gave Agatha a stern look before going back to the papers on her desk.

"Can I say bye to my friend at least? Before you . . . kill me?" Agatha said, taking Dovey by surprise.

"That won't be necessary."

"But I have to see her!"

Dovey looked up, a slight smile on her face. As she told Agatha that she wouldn't be dying, but instead she held a rare talent, the girl's face lost its fear, and astonishment took its place.

"But, if you disobey another teacher's direct order, Agatha, I guarantee you will fail. Understood?" Dovey warned. Agatha nodded and the professor smiled.

The dean could sense that the girl in front of her would accomplish great things someday.

"As for your friend," Dovey said, as she continued marking papers. "She's doing just fine where she is. But you can ask her yourself. She's in your next class."

Clarissa noticed Agatha's thoughts seemed to be somewhere else, but she paid it no mind. The girl was probably just happy she would live to see another day.

That's how Dovey would've felt at least.

"Have a nice day Agatha, also please don't forget to shut the door on your way out." Clarissa said as Agatha left her room.

Not even 2 minutes later Lady Lesso barged in.

"Lady Lesso?"

"Clarissa we need to talk."

Worlds Apart; A Dovesso FanficWhere stories live. Discover now