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"I'm going to kill her" Lesso muttered to herself.

How could someone be SO STUPID? The dean of Evil just didn't understand. How could Clarissa believe the School Master wasn't on anyone's side. How did she stay so collected all the time.

Lesso threw the textbook she was holding across the room.

The two deans had their differences, but sometimes those differences had them at each other's throats.

"The School Master can't control the Storian, Lady Lesso," Lesso mocked. "Sure Clarissa. And I'm the queen of Camelot!"

Even if Clarissa refused to see it, Lesso could. The balance wasn't being kept, and at some point the entire world would collapse. Lesso just wanted to keep that from happening.

She walked across the room and picked up the book.

"Why Clarissa. Can you just listen to me. For once! I wish we could just talk. Normally. Instead of meeting in private, or just not talking at all." Lesso muttered, looking around the room for something to do. Anything was better than just standing there with her thoughts.

✩ ✩ ✩

"Lesso, dear. Please. Come with me to the roof. The sun is so pretty."

✩ ✩ ✩

"NO! Just stop ok. Stop. Cut it out. You need to let. It. Go." The dean walked over to her desk and set down her books.

Every single time that she thought her mind was finally free of those memories, they came back 10x more vivid. Lesso looked down at her reflection in her icy desk and tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear.

"Pull yourself together. It will all be fine. Ok! You just have to get through today. Even if you have to deal with that-" Lesso was cut short by the howling of the wolves, signaling that it was time to go to your next class.

"Great. Time to deal with the reader. Hooray." Lady Lesso exclaimed halfheartedly.

As the students filed into class, Lesso stared each of them down, making sure that they knew that they couldn't get away with anything in this class. Her glare was somehow even frostier than her room.

All the students avoided eye contact and kept quiet.

"Itttt's colllddd," one of the students managed through chattering teeth.

Lesso glared at him, "It's warmer in the doom room!"

The boy's face went pale as screams of pain echoed from below. "I-I-I feeeel warm-m-er noww."

Lesso smirked, "Cold will harden your veins."

She kept talking as she walked throughout the room, studying the students, trying to see who might actually make it in a fairy tale.

The reader didn't even seem to be paying attention. This annoyed Lesso, but she ignored it. That girl would get what was coming. If she wasn't going to pay attention, then she wouldn't get anywhere. Simple as that.

Finally the wolves howled, and Lesso let out a sigh of relief. Finally. A chance to talk to Clarissa.

She had some things still left to say, and when better to say them than over lunch.

As she left her room Lesso was hit with the smell of smoke.

"What the-" She rushed up the stairs, out of the castle, and saw it. Lesso did a double take.

"How?" The dean said, almost in awe. One of the Good towers was on fire.

"Well, I would guess that's a no on lunch with Clarissa. Sucks for her, she's gonna have her hands full. Karma is the best!" Lesso walked back to her room and sat down.

She was kind of sad, honestly she had looked forward to "fighting" with Clarissa over lunch.

Worlds Apart; A Dovesso FanficWhere stories live. Discover now