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"Lady Lesso. Are you ok? That's the second time I've lost you today. Do you need to talk about something?" Clarissa's worried face came into focus above Lesso's and Lesso pulled away.

"I-I'm fine. I just haven't been getting much sleep lately. Too much on my mind. I should talk, but I have a class soon." Lesso sat up and rubbed her head before going to stand up.

"Lesso. You made me talk, now I'm going to make you talk. You're not ok. You looked like you were going to pass out!" Clarissa said sternly, forcing Lesso to sit back down.

"Sometimes I really hate you. I hope you know that." Lesso spat, but she stayed put.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop caring about you. We might both despise one another, but you're my best friend and I don't want to see you hurt." Clarissa said, looking into Lesso's eyes.

Clarissa knew Lesso had times where she would become completely oblivious to the world around her and start to sway and wobble, but this was different. This was somehow worse. There was a pressure weighing down on Lesso, even if she tried to deny it and hide it, Dovey could see it.

"All I need is a cup of tea, ok. I'm happy you care, I guess, but still, please back off. I don't need you hovering over me like I'm a sick little child."

"You are a sick little child you dimwit. You're younger than me, and you're definitely not healthy."

"Yeah, I might be younger, but at least I'm taller."

"Oh my god. Seriously. We're stooping that low now?!"

"Yes we are."

The two deans glared at each other until finally Clarissa smiled.

"Ok, fine, you win that 'fight', but seriously, are you ok? Do you need me to make you tea or walk you back to your classroom?" Dovey said as she stood up and reached her hand down to help Lesso.

"I'm fine, yes. Even though a cup of tea may sound quite nice, I seriously should get going. Class is starting any second, and I can NOT be late. That makes me look like I'm a mess, which contrary to what you might think, I am not one." Lesso reached up and took Dovey's hand.

As the two Deans walked back up towards the school they both watched each other warily, reaching towards their colleague at the slightest sign of trouble.

"Well, I'll see you next week I guess." Lesso said before turning to head across the bridge. "That was my promise to you."

"Well, I think this once I won't hold you to it. How about you stop by later today, once classes are over. You still haven't talked to me about your problems yet."

"What are you, my therapist?!" Lesso said with a raised eyebrow, but she smiled and nodded. "I'll see you then 'Rissa'."

"See you then!" Dovey turned and walked into the Good castle.

As the dean walked through the halls the smile on her face stayed, as if she were so happy from that small, chaotic conversation, nothing could bring her down.

Worlds Apart; A Dovesso FanficWhere stories live. Discover now