16 boyfriends

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Nagito pov

I sat in my bed, heart racing. At the start of the day me a Hajime kissed achally kissed! He was so adorable during it to, I had to put all my willpower all day every class, not to stand up and kiss him again. We were official, and even though we only just started dating, I wanna see him almost every day.

The only thing that was on my mind was Hajime and his adorable little blush, I can't wait for tomorrow.


It had been around a week of me and Hajime dating, and it's gone wonderful. we've gone on so many dates.

One was to an arcade, a swimming pool, a restaurant, and just chilling at both of our houses. Right now, we were on our 5th date at my house. I know we have only been dating for a short period, but me and Hajime were completely fine with cuddling and kissing in bed.

Hajime laid on my chest as he slept peacefully with my arms around his protectively. I was going through my phone as I kissed Hajime on the forehead. That was until a text notification came up. I saw it was Junko, so I groaned and ignored it. But she sent a photo right after, and I got a little worried about what it was about, so I pressed the notification.


💅: I've gotten you and your little boyfriends secret~

I started at the picture horrified to see a picture of me and Hajime kissing on our first day of dating.

💅: If you don't want your little secret to be released to the whole school, I recommend you let me cause you despair.

🍀: You psycho, how did you get that!?

💅: I just happened to walk by and get a little pic. Why are you so sad, Nagi-wagi

God, she called me that even through text.
I know that our class would be supportive, but definitely not the entire school, and I don't wanna cause Hajime any trouble. He already gets bullied a lot for being a reserve course student.

🍀: fine, but only for Hajimes sake

💅: Good, meet me tomorrow right before school at the side of the school near the bushes.

I sigh as I look at the boy in my arms as I give one last kiss on his forehead, Hajime already goes through so much bullying, and I hate it. I can't let the whole school know it will just cause more problems for him. All I wanna do is keep him safe and happy.

Just as I start to think of that, Hajime opens his eyes and gives a big yawn as he looks at me. With his beautiful green eyes."Babe, are you okay?" He asks in a sleepy voice."Of course, just get some rest, okay darling," I say, putting on a smile as I kiss him on the cheek. He doesn't seem all convinced but continues to sleep on my chest anyway.

I worry a little bit, but if just getting bullied by Junko will keep Hajime safe, then I'm fine with.


I walk down the path to where Junko told me to meet her. I see her down the path as she waves at me with her evil grin, as all I do is scowl at her in pure disgust.

"Oh, you achally came. It's such a shame. I kinda wanted to let the school know about your gay fest, " she says in her annoying voice, which I hated so much.

"I'm only doing this, so Hajime won't get bullied anymore than he already is." I say quietly.

"Well, all I really need you to do it let me bully you and cause you despair infront of everyone, I've always been able to get under peoples skin and if the school finds out their was one person I couldn't I would be made a totall loser!" She says in a joking tone but yet in a serious way.

All I did was stay quiet. "Can you at least confirm that we're aren't gonna send that to anyone." I say."Why can't you just take my word of it, I can't delete or anything!" She says in an annoyed tone. I sigh and start to head to class.

Hajime and Chiaki seemed worried about my droopy mood with Hajime asking if I was okay and giving little kisses to help. The kisses did help.


Lol I know im making this so much more dramatic then it really is.

Also I may have to start putting this story into a wrap because there are some other stories that I would like to make so well be coming to our last few chapters soon enough, maybe like 2-3 more.

Words: 804

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