14 after night

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Nagito pov

I slowly opened my eyes in a haze. What time was it? Where am I? What's this feeling on my chest. I look down to find a sleeping Hajime on my chest, holding on to me tight. My face goes tomatoe red as I feel him breathing slowly on me. I suddenly remember everything from the last night, and I started to sweat and blush. I wonder why Ibuki hadn't woken us up. We were in her guest bed after all. I try my best to move away from Hajime, but I won't budge." N-nagito?" I hear a little whisper of a voice.

I look down to see a half asleep Hajime staring back at me from my chest."Oh, HAJIME, ummm I-" Hajime slowly gets off of me and looks around before his face becomes a blushing mess as I can tell he's fully awake now. He suddenly drops off the bed in a panic. "Hajime!" I yell to look of the bed just to see a blushing Hajime covering his face with his hands, cute.

We both agree we pretend this never happened and soon got ourselves downstairs to see Ibukis house almost completely destroyed and people sleeping around everywhere and in the middle of it was Ibuki, for someone's house that looked like it did she had a wide smile on her face." Oooooo, are you two lovebirds finally awake~~~~ "?" I slap my face blushing, and Hajime just stares back with a tomato face. We said hi and then slowly walked to our cars, we looked at each other one last time before our faces went red, and we looked away.


I soon woke up for another day. The weekend was officially over, so I had to get back to the school for now. I looked into my phone to see a text above from an unknown number.


?: Hiiiiii nagiwagi~~~~

🍀: Who's this?

?: only the most popular girl in school, of course!

🍀:Junko?! How did you my number

?Oh, I just asked Ibuki at the party, and she gave it to me, so~~~ ", how was you ,and your "little" lovebird doing last night

🍀:Nothing. I'll be blocking you now

?: Oops, sorry, Nagito no can do

🍀:Why can't I do it

?: it's just a little tricky of mine                

🍀Whatever, stop texting me     

?: whatever you say

I set down my phone in anger. Why would Ibuki give my number to someone like her, and why would she need it in the first place? Whatever I just won't text her, I got to get to school.   


I'm so sorry this chapter is pretty short. There's lots more I wanna do with this story, and I promise that when we get more into it it will get longer. I just gotta pass all the other stuff before that happens.

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