17 Junkos Despair

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Nagito pov

I guess for now on, I had to be some sort of stepping stool for Junko. All I really did was play as some dummy to her obnoxious despair, God, I wish God would just strike her down. Anytime I tried to fight back, she would always pull out her phone to the picture of me and Hajime kissing, and I would keep my mouth shut.

Hajime has started to notice how gloomy I've been, but I just tell him I'm tired, we are just starting to get to the end of the school year after all, I would never tell Hajime the real reason knowing him hell proubly start to feel horrible and blame himself. I didn't want Hajime to feel bad, so I didn't tell him anything.


I sat at the fountain eating my lunch like usual. Most times, Hajime would be eating sith me, but he had some work to catch up on, so he's doing that. I start to hear people walk up to me. I sigh, knowing who they are. I look up to see Junko, her sister, and some random other kids surrounding her.

I scowl and await whatever she had for me this time. She randomly takes her drink that is in her hand and starts to pour it on my head, soaking my hair and clothes "Oops" she said sarcastically as everyone else laughed. I scowl at her but not daring to make eye contact. "Awww, is little Nagi-wagi mad? Does he need his binkie?" Even though what she said she was not amusing at all, the people around her seemed to laugh anyway. I could tell all Junko wanted was to boost her ego about people liking her, so she used me as a puppet.

It was annoying, but I got over it pretty quickly. Hajime helped me through it, even though he didn't know the situation. All his sweet words and kisses did help a lot. I love my boyfriend dearly.

Just as I thought that, I heard a voice that I recognized shout from the other side of the park. "Hey, what do you think you're doing!" I see Hajime standing there. Soon, he's in front of me with his arms up high to block me. " Awww, little boyfriend to the rescue~" Junko teased to Hajime. Everyone laughed and started whispering to each other." Don't forget what I have, Nagito~," she said, looking at me.

I sigh "Hajime lets go." I say, grabbing his shoulder. Hajime looked at me in shock but followed me anyway. "What the hell was that!?" He said. "Sorry, there's something I should tell you," I say as we sit on a bench near the entrance. I continue to tell Hajime about the photo and what's Junkos has been up to for the past week or so.

Hajime looks a scared, like I said, I knew he already got bullied enough already, so I understand how scared he would be if that was leaked. I kissed him gently on the forehead, making sure he's okay. I smile lightly at him, but he doesn't seem to respond.

In the awkward silence of it all, we hear a soft, recognizable, soft voice from behind us.
"You guys good," we see the short haired gamer girl Chikai standing there with a ds in her hands. "Yep!" I say, not trying to draw any attention. "....I saw and  heard what happened," Chiaki said quietly. Chiaki was the only person me and Hajime had told about our relationship. She knew how scared we were to get it out, even to her. So we trust her not to tell anyone, she isn't that social anyway.

I looked at her and then looked at Hajimes' lap beside me. "I think I've seen that girl Junko around a lot. I believe we share a club together after school." She said quietly."I could try to talk to her." I shake my head. I know Junko, she'd probably make fun of Chiaki, and even though I know Chiaki is a chill person and wouldn't care, I still wouldn't let that happen to her.

Me and Chiaki talked for another few minutes before she walked off. I still had Hajime on my shoulder cuddling me. Who hadn't talked in a while. I kiss him on the forehead as I realize that lunch was almost over already.


I was walking down the path as usual with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko. They were arguing like always, so I just kinda sticked beside them walking. I soon hear a little dim come from my phone to see a text from Hajime.


🍊Hey, Babe, can we hang out today.

🍀: Of course honey, is anything wrong?

🍊: I just wanna see you.

🍀: Just checking does 5:30 sound good?

🍊: Yep

🍀" Good, see you then.

I put my phone back into my pocket and smiled a bit as I looked at Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko, trying to apologize to each other before failing miserably, as they started to argue once again. I sigh and start to walk in front of them.

I soon get to hear running boots, mainly high heels chasing me. I scowl, knowing who was coming as I tried to walk faster before a hand with red long nails grabbed my shoulders. I sigh, turning around to see a two pink tailed brat in front of me smirking meanacly." Heyyyy Nagi-wagi thought you could leave so soon~~," she said in a cutsey, but annoying tone. I grit my teeth, looking at the much shorter female.

"Go away, Junko," I say, turning away. "Come on, remember the picture I have~" she said. Even though I wasn't looking at her, I could tell the large smirk she had on her face. And like always, I let Junko beat me up and say slurs to me. I had been directly trying to avoid this by walking with Kazuichis and Fuyuhiko, but I was too excited to get home.

I slowly stood up after Junko had left and left for my house. Junko wasn't all too strong, I wasn't all that strong either, but I could beat her in a fight. But I never dared to fight back because I knew she would post the photo.


I heard a knock on my door to open it to see the boy I loved so dearly Hajime hinata standing there with a large grin. My frown slowly turns into a large smile as me and Hajime hug as he enters my house.

We played games, made food, cuddled, kissed, talked, cuddled, watched a movie, cuddled. There were lots of cuddling.

Around 9:40 of 4 hours of Hajime being over, and as much as I hated to admit it, it was a school night, and he needed to get home. So I nudged the Hajime peacefully laying on my chest in my bed. He opened his eyes, and when I told him he wasn't too happy. "Why do I have to go? Shy can't wr just have a sleepover or something." I pause thinking about the idea.

"Maybe," I said. "Great!" Hajime said as he grabbed his phone and started texting. "I just texted my mom, and she's fine with it!" Hajime said happily. I sigh. How could I say no to him. I slowly crept back into bed with him and wrapped my arms around the fragile boy. Planting a little kiss on his forehead, we both fell asleep pretty quickly.


Alright, that was a long one, I wanna finish this story, but at the same time, I have so many little sorry ideas for it, so when I finish, I may just start making little oneshots but that's just a maybe.

Words: 1300

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