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RAKEEM sniffled as he held his younger brother elijah in his arms as they both had tears streaming down their eyes. keem looked tired, which is how he felt. whereas elijah looked distraught. his little sister wasn't going to come home, and neither was her boyfriend. his apartment felt incredibly lonley, it didn't have aaliyah's loudness and everyone could sense it.

keem's eyes became sore from all the tears that were falling. all that was running through his mind was that he let the teenagers leave that night.

keem and his brother quan were obviously worried at first because the last time they saw their sister was at their new year's party, but they just assumed she had been staying at the house of whoever her and ethan went to the party with.

however after it had been more then forty-eight hours and she hadn't even text anyone they knew something was wrong. aaliyah always answered her siblings texts no matter what she was doing or where she was.

so at one in the morning on the forth of january, they reported her missing. they knew their sister would never run away and neither would ethan. they were clearly happy in their lives despite being born into poverty and a difficult family.

elijah pulled away from their hug as he wiped his tears, whereas keem stared at him with a guilty look

"keem who you think did this?" elijah asked with red eyes and a hoarse voice, making keem sigh and rub his eyes. keem hated even thinking about who would harm his sister and her boyfriend, it just made him angry.

"ion know, but it's gotta be one of their friends." he scratched his head as he looked down at the floor.

"obviously! but what fuckin friends keem?" elijah huffed with a mug on his face. he didn't mean to take his anger out on his older brother but he couldn't help it, he felt as if the couple had been backdoored by someone they trusted.

"e stop alright? keem ain't no fuckin physic." quan mumbled as he walked out his bedroom with tears stained on his cheeks.

"whatever, i think kaison and evora had summet to do with this. there weird as fuck, they ain't even cry or nothin! and they were the only people who wasn't at the party."

to which keem hummed, he genuinely agreed to what elijah had said. he noticed their odd behaviour and they were the only people who wasn't at the party out of aaliyah's and ethan's friends.

"yeah i know. police even suspect em." keem nodded as quan stared at the two with furrowed eyebrows, to him he didn't notice any odd behaviours.

"whatchu mean bro?" quan voiced as his two brothers just stared at him with blank faces.

keem and elijah believed that it was clearly obvious that kaison and evora were very weird. their actions towards finding out that their supposed friends had been reported missing were odd. neither of them cried or even showed shock, they looked as if they already knew and didn't care.

"why youse loo- because it's obvious as fuck?" elijah cut him off as he rolled his eyes and stormed away to his bedroom causing keem to sigh and shake his head.

"we really need aaliyah back" keem mumbled to himself as he stared at the said girl and elijah's shared bedroom. he just wanted to hear her voice yelling at nothing in particular again.

 he just wanted to hear her voice yelling at nothing in particular again

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