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' EDOT '

ELIJAH felt tears fall from his eyes as he laid in his younger sister's bed. all he could smell was aaliyah's signature perfume which she would always wear. he missed when she would purposely spray it on him just to annoy him, at the moment he would do anything in the world for her to spray the perfume on him again.

suddenly he heard a bang on the window which was in the bedroom, making him quickly sit up. cautiously he walked towards the window as he saw a figure in all black waving at him to open the window.

"what the fuck.." he mumbled to himself as he pulled out his phone recording as he lifted up the window. "who you?"

"are you elijah?" a raspy voice asked, elijah furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly nodded.

"ethan and aaliyah are alive! their safe, your sister wanted me to tell ya to not tell no police!" the unknown voice yelled before running away into a car.

elijah couldn't help but feel a smile grow on his face, maybe the person was lying but he felt as if all his hope was worth it. maybe his little sister would be able to spray her perfume on him again.

"yo keem! quan!" he yelled with a massive grin resting on his face as he opened the bedroom door.

"yeah?" quan mumbled with a croaky voice as he and keem furrowed their eyebrows at his grin, they hadn't seen him smile in awhile.

"look at this." he shook his head still smiling as he showed the other two the video, to which they had a smile rest on their faces.

"yoo! we might get are sister back." quan chuckled as all three of the brothers hugged each other.


ETHAN stared at his girlfriend who was currently doing stretches while biting his lip, he knew it was definitely the wrong time but he couldn't help but feel turned on.

"pa, can you give me my watter?" aaliayh breathed heavily as she wiped the sweat off her forehead, nodding ethan passed her the water bottle as she took a sip.

"sit down mama, take a break ight?" ethan softly smiled at her. she couldn't help the blush that formed on her cheeks from the nickname. no matter how many times he called her it she always blushed when he said it.

"mafia trai- no one gives a fuck." ethan cut off the trainer as he glared at the man who looked taken-back. it was obvious that ethan wasn't scared of any of these people in the mafia world, and it was just what they needed.

"you being mean as hell." aaliyah put a hand over her mouth trying to cover her laugh, to which her boyfriend just shrugged. he didn't think he was being mean. he just didn't have any fear of them.

"ion care, they trying to work you like some dog as if you haven't got multiple stab wounds. trust when i find kaison and evora they gonna get what they did to us." he rambled as he wrapped an arm around her waist, which only made her blush more.

"aye! lovebirds! i need to talk to y'all." roman yelled with a smile as he walked into the room. aaliyah smiled back whereas ethan mugged him, he thought that roman had a little crush on his girl. and he didn't like that at all.

"stop staring at him like that e." aaliyah whispered softly into his ear which made his mug slightly drop.

"aight we need you two to do something. ima just keep it short, basically youse need to kill somebody at some dance shit." he shrugged as if it was nothing, to which aaliyah nodded not fazed and ethan showed no emotion to the information.

"who?" the couple asked at the same time, aaliyah side eyed him, and ethan noticed and flipped her off.

"kaison's cousin, issac miller. he stole some shit from my uncle and we know y'all wanna get to him so here ya go i guess." he shrugged answering their question.

ethan had a smirk resting on his face, he wanted kaison to suffer just like his siblings were. and this is how he was going to get that. and aaliyah had a smile on her face, she knew her brothers were upset and thats how kaison deserved to feel. and just like her boyfriend she knew this is how she was going to get that.

roman noticed their smirks and smiles and shook his head, he genuinely thought they were gonna be some crazy, criminal, in love couple.

"y'all some psychos." roman joked as he walked away. hearing what he said aaliayh softly laughed as ethan rolled his eyes. he didn't like roman.

"i hope kai knows we did this." ethan nonchalantly said which only made aaliyah laugh more.

she knew how much he wanted kaison and evora to suffer. and she would do anything to get him what he wanted.

"oh shit i forgot to say, before i say this. ethan please don't try and kill me! aaliyah you gotta seduce issac." roman quickly said before running out the room. ethan glared at the floor as he let out heavy breaths.

"ethan, i got to alright?" she mumbled not really wanting to seduce him either. anything could go wrong.

"aight.. but if he do something ion like ima shoot him then and there." he composed himself, even though he knew how jealous he could get and his anger issues.

"okay. but lemme do what i gotta do first, we need to get him somewhere secluded before i can do anything." she softly kissed his cheek as she leaned closer into his arms.

"come on we gotta continue training"


"so you telling me they might be alive?" david smiled as he watched the video for the tenth time.

"ain't that what he just said?" justin joked as he mushed his brother's head.

the tension in the room was completely gone after they had seen the video. even if there was some doubt in their minds, they at-least had something to cling onto. they now had hope.

"i wanna kill kai and vora." darrian randomly blurted making everyone burst out laughing. everyone knew how blunt darrian could be, and now that their was hope he was back to his old self.

"i can't lie.. me too." elijah raised his hand with a grin which only made everyone laugh again.

"why you raising yo hand like we taking attendance?" dee asked as he slapped elijah's neck. chuckling elijah shook his head.

"you sound like aaliyah right now. she would've done said summet like that." he said with a sad smile as he tried to hold back his tears. he believed that the teenagers were alive and he just wanted to see them.

"she would've violated yo ass!" mylan laughed as she tried to lighten up elijah's change in mood, which worked because he laughed.

"now we just gotta find out where they are and what kai and vora have done." quan shrugged as everyone nodded agreeing with him.


@YZKFINEZ SPEAKS ! ion know how i feel bout this

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