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AALIYAH groaned as she felt herself being shaken awake by someone. she opened her eyes glaring at ethan, aaliyah hated being woken up. "fuck do you want?" she snapped, surprising ethan, he chuckled and shook his head.

"i kno you not talkin' to me like that." he mumbled as he pulled her out of the car by her arm, only making her mug him even more then she already was.

she smacked her teeth as she noticed her surroundings, she was outside her apartment complex. she widened her eyes in confusion as she looked at ethan, who was smiling at her.

"come on ma, roman said we can see em." he said, aaliyah smiled before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the entrance. "so bipolar sometimes" he whispered under his breath seeing the change in her demeanour.

a wide range of excitement and nervousness flowed throughout aaliyah, she couldn't wait to see everyone and explain everything. but she couldn't help but feel scared at their reactions, what if they was mad at her? what if they hated her for not turning up sooner?

ethan was unbothered, of course he wanted to see everyone but he liked having his alone time with his girlfriend. normally either his or her brothers or friends would be there or annoyed them, and he liked it when they wasn't there to interrupt their one on one time.

"ethan, can you knock? i'm too scared." aaliyah asked, taking ethan out of his thoughts as he nodded and began knocking on the door.

the two heard multiple voices from inside, making them stifle their laughs since everyone was always at the ivrin's apartment.

"who the fuck knoc- shit..." roscoe cut himself off, as he swung the door open and spotted the two teenagers standing there. he clearly looked shocked. "what roscoe? who th- oh." dee also cut himself off as he saw the two teenagers.

"are y'all not gonna say anything or?" ethan sarcastically asked, making roscoe chuckle before pulling both of the couple into a hug, "aye! all of you come here, someones here to see us!" dee yelled as he pulled aaliyah from roscoe's hug into another hug.

quan, keem, elijah, david, darrian, naomi, mylan, duedy, justin, jstar, 6ixbaby, bloodie, and heemy all ran to the door. "shit. group hug ion care what none of youse say!" mylan laughed as they all grouped into a hug together.

it felt safe, comforting, the two teenagers was finally home. everything felt like it was going to be okay for once, nothing could take away this moment from them.

multiple sniffles were heard as they all pulled away before bursting out laughing. "where the fuck youse been?" elijah asked as he wiped the tears from his eyes, which made aaliyah frown. "fucking hell, never let us go to the park again." ethan shook his head rolling his eyes, making everyone laugh again.

"y'all need to thank roman, without him we wouldn't even be al- no one cares about him." ethan cut aaliyah off side-eying her, he obviously still had hostility towards him. in response aaliyah just sucked her teeth.

"hol on.. who the fuck is roman? and why don't my brother like him?" david asked scratching his head, aaliyah hummed "roman.. ion know who he really is i guess? and ethan doesn't like him for no reason." hearing her words ethan just laughed.

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