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ETHAN stared at his girlfriend with slight tears in his eyes. she was asleep on their bed with a patched up bullet wound, she had luckily survived the attack but ethan was angry. he was going to make sure dthang got what he needed.

he wanted dthang dead, he had hurt his girlfriend, nearly killing her. and nobody was going to get away with that.

a knock on the door shook ethan from his thoughts, he looked up to the door to see roman with a sympathetic look. "she's gonna be alright, we gonna take care of dthang."

ethan nodded and put his attention back to the girl on the bed. he watched as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. "you alright ma?" he asked rubbing his eyes, he didn't want her to see the tears in his eyes.

"pa? why you crying?" she frowned, she didn't like seeing him upset. ethan scoffed, "you could've died."

aaliyah's frown deepened, "well i di- yeah but you could've." he cut her off making her smack her teeth and ignore him.

she could tell an argument was going to happen, the two rarely ever argued but if they did it was over something insignificant. she hated when he was angry or annoyed at her. aaliyah thought he was just being dramatic, of course she could've died but she didn't. she was literally fine.

ethan sighed running his hands down his face. he could tell she was upset, even though he couldn't tell why. in his eyes she had no reason to be upset with him. he was just concerned about his girlfriend, she had been shot and nearly died, why wouldn't he be concerned?

he shook his head as he stood up and sat next to her on the bed. he softly looked down at her before speaking up, "i'm sorry aight? don't get all mad at me and shi."

aaliyah stifled a laugh as she sat looked back up at him, "i'm sorry too." he just shook his head. "nah youn need to be sorry for non."

aaliyah cleared her throat as she slightly sat up, "ethan, can i ask you summet?" she asked, ethan furrowed his eyebrows but nodded. "i wanna like go see my brothers, do you think we can?" she questioned. ethan shrugged.

they both wanted to see their family


ELIJAH groaned as everyone in the room spoke over him. he was trying to tell them that he had seen his younger sister and her boyfriend, but nobody was trying to listen. this was how they could find the two and if no one was gonna do anything, he would.

"oh my fuckin- if y'all don't listen ima slap all of you." elijah yelled, making everyone snap their heads towards him. "word to my dead's i saw liyah and notti."

"are you like one hundred percent sure?" david blurted. "dd what tha fuck he just say?" justin scoffed as he pushed his younger brother's head.

"dotty we believe you alright? we just gotta find em, i need liyah back fore i do something ." naomi whispered the last part, clearly not wanting anyone to hear what she said.

"where you think they gonna be? who they staying with? why they ain't said non to us? if they okay? there was literally a shooting last night!" darrian rambled, everyone side-eyed him, darrian always worried about everything.

"why don't we call their ph- dee is you dumb?" roscoe cut him off laughing. "why you laughing? they might actually answer." he shrugged.

𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 ☆ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now