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AALIYAH stomped her foot repeatedly on evora's face, as blood spilled from her nose and lips as she laid limped on the ground. "i'm sorry!" evora yelled, putting her hands up trying to block the stomps.

"nah you wasn't sorry when you fuckin' tried to kill me." she stopped stomping on her as she grabbed evora by her jacket, glaring at her. "why you do it? ya at least owe me a reason."

despite acting all hard and tough, aaliyah was truly hurt by evora and kaison's actions. she trusted them both incredibly and they still did this to her. she just couldn't understand why? what had her and ethan ever done to evora and kaison for them to try to murder them? all aaliyah had ever done was be there for them no matter what.

"b-because i was jealous." evora coughed, blood spilling onto aaliyah's hands. aaliyah just shook her head in response, evora had no reason to be jealous of her. roman watched with a smirk resting on his face. he was proud of aaliyah.

"fuck you mean you was jealous? what's there to be jealous of?" aaliyah spat, ignoring evora's pleas for her to stop. "you have everything, the friends, the boyfriend, the brothers. ethan was supposed to be with me!" evora yelled showing how she really felt, in response aaliyah chuckled darkly.

"you sound hella delusional right now." roman said as he laughed slightly at her words, he saw how much ethan cared for aaliyah, he would never care about evora like that.

"roman should i kill ha' yet or nah?" aaliyah asked making evora widen her eyes in fear, roman shook his head. "not yet." he said as he watched evora's shoulders relax slightly.

"aight.. ima be back for you though." aaliyah smiled, causing evora to shake in fear. she knew that look to well. aaliyah genuinely terrified evora even though she knew this was coming for her.

"tch, come on liyah i can't be assed to clean up anotha murder of yours." roman whined as he began pulling at the girl's arm, making her roll her eyes but nonetheless let him pull her away.

aaliyah sighed as she felt the burning sensation form in her knuckles as the anger waved off. she always hated this after she had a fight with someone, which caused her knuckles to bleed or bruise.

"i can clean em if you wa- nah it's all good, ethan likes doin' it for some weird reason." she cut him off making him nod in response. "where is he at anyways?" she asked as they approached his car.

"he's in tha car, he said if he came with he'd 'probably shoot her'."

aaliyah softly laughed as she opened the backseat's door, revealing ethan laying asleep making her shake her head. "wake up baby." she smiled as she watched him open his eyes.

"aye wassup ma, you go— oh ya knuckles! want me to clean em up?" he cut himself off softly grabbing her hand, brushing the small cuts on her knuckles. aaliyah shook her head as she got into the seat next to him, "youn have to if ya don't wanna." she shrugged slightly.

he smacked his teeth still examining her hand, leaning back into the seat. "where we going? i'm hungry as a bitch." roman asked as he got into the driver's seat, starting up the car.

"can we get mcdonald's? i ain't had some in so long, another reason why i wanna kill evora and kaison." ethan said, mumbling the last part of his sentence, as aaliyah nodded in agreement."maccies it is."


"aaliyah, notti someone's here to see ya! getcho ass out this bedroom." keem yelled shaking aaliyah's body awake, completely ignoring the fact that ethan was glaring at him because his yells had woken him up.

"okay! keem stop yellin' at me!" aaliyah groaned pushing him away from her. satisfied that she was awake keem walked out the room as aaliyah huffed and stood up, walking into the bedroom with notti trailing behind her, revealing roman who was staring at her with a look of annoyance.

"finally yo asses awake! me an youse needa talk bout' some shit." he complained as he slightly shrugged his shoulders, as aaliyah nodded and ethan just glared at him, angry that he'd woken him and his girlfriend up.

"aight well we needa wipe out tha millers, and obviously we need your twos help, so we need ya's to come back. and aaliyah you needa threaten evora and shit." he explained as he waved around his hands. aaliyah groaned but nonetheless nodded again in agreement, whereas ethan just stared at him. he didn't wanna leave yet.

"oh shit i forgot to say! it was kaison's lot who raided tha house, somehow they found out youse was there, kai must've told them or summet. but don't worry they wont be able to find y'all again." he continued watching as aaliyah bit her lip and ethan smacked his teeth.

ethan ran his hands down his face, "can't fuckin' escape em.." he mumbled to himself making aaliyah stifle her laughter since she heard him.

"yeah sorry bout all of this, but youse gonna have to say bye to yo family and shit. just for now obviously." roman awkwardly chuckled before walking out the apartment.

aaliyah felt slightly annoyed but she understood, she just wanted to spend more time with her friends and family. but she completely was okay with leaving again, after all they did save her and her boyfriend's life.

ethan couldn't be more happy, this was his chance to get revenge on kaison and evora. they had nearly killed him and aaliyah, in his eyes they deserved to die.

"you gonna go to your house or just call them?" aaliyah asked as she turned away from him, heading to keem's bedroom. as soon as she turned away ethan quickly put an arm around her shoulder, "i'll just call em, i ain't even talked to my mum yet." he shrugged as she just nodded in response as she opened keem's bedroom door.

"roman needs us to come back, just for a while. tell everyone for us. please?" she asked making keem frown but cover it up with a smile, "aight liyah, be safe please." he mumbled as he kissed her cheek before waving 'goodbye'.

sighing, aaliyah shut the door as ethan warily stared at her, "you good ma? if youn wanna go i'll deadass go tell roman we can't." he asked as he rubbed small circles on her shoulders, aaliyah just shook her head, "nah i'm good, i guess."


@YZKFINEZ SPEAKS ! if this is shi mb i wrote this high 🤦‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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