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the night they came up with their plan
DECEMBER 31 2022

"aaliyah dead pissing me off! on god." EVORA spat as her and KAISON were sat on her bed.

hearing her words kaison chuckled. "how ya think i feel? you know i like aaliyah, notti stay pissin me off."

a silence took over the room as they both got lost in thought, before evora spoke up. "why don't we like.. get rid of them."

"whatchu mean? kill em or summet?" he furrowed his eyebrows not understanding what she was saying.

she gulped before nodding. "yeah, i mean nobody will suspect us. and we both want aaliyah and notti out of the picture."

"ya know what, you're right no one gonna think it's us. we'll get away with it." he smirked as the two dapped one another up.

"what should we do? like how we gonna set them up, and how we gonna kill em?" she asked as they began thinking of how they was gonna commit the attack.

"well we both know keem and em having a new year's party tomorrow and aaliyah and ethan gonna be there obviously. so we can't go or it's gonna be suspicious if we just randomly leave then they go missing. so we should like invite them out when all of the rest of em will be drunk and shit." he planned as evora just smiled and nodded.

"we can't tell no one bout this, literally nobody." she shook her head as kaison rolled his eyes. "vora! i'm not dumb."

"tch, whatever."

JANUARY 1 2023

"aight, text em now." kaison mumbled watching evora pull out her phone and begin texting.

they both knew that ethan and aaliyah trusted them, so no way would the couple say no to meeting up with them. which was perfect for evero and kaison. they thought it was way too easy to commit their plan, no one would suspect them. well so they believed.

"they said their coming, come on let's get ready." she giggled excitedly as she put on her black outfit, making kaison furrow his eyebrows. she was acting psychotic to him.

"mhm, we using knifes or guns?" he asked as he put on the gloves which would get rid off his fingerprints.

"knifes you idiot!" she smacked her teeth as he just flipped her off.

warily they both left evora's house and began walking to the park. completely unaware that someone was watching close.

evora felt a weird wave of excitement flowing through her body. she wanted aaliyah dead. it was obvious to everyone but aaliyah and ethan that evora wanted ethan for herself. but deep down she knew that ethan only wanted aaliyah, which only made her want aaliyah dead even more. she felt as if aaliyah wasn't in the picture she would have ethan all for herself.

kaison was feeling heavily guilty. he didn't want to kill aaliyah anymore only ethan, but it was too late. he had already agreed to taking part in the murder. he knew how heartbroken everyone would be about aaliyah's death, and it would be all his fault. he truly loved aaliyah but he knew that she would only ever see him as a friend. and he truly thought that was ethan's fault.

𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 ☆ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now