Chapter Eleven

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Winter was a nice season. It brought me a lot of great memories. However, the blizzard laying wake to the world outside my house is making it quite difficult to make more memories. "I can't go anywhere today. The driveway got snowed in." I mumbled to Willow over the phone as I deflated and sighed in defeat.

"No fun!" I heard Gus shout in the background. "Curse you, weather, and your ability to ruin our plans!" He continued to complain further distantly as I felt a smile break onto my face. Regardless of the situation I found it extremely funny to hear Gus's rant as Willow, no doubt, was probably shaking her head at his antics.

"Yeah, it's unfortunate but I guess it's out of our control." Willow sighed over the phone and my smile fell into a sad one instead.

"I was really looking forward to spending time with you guys. We were going to have a whole movie marathon and hot chocolate and everything!" I complained before letting out a groan and turning to see the snow continuing to fall and covering my driveway completely. The roads were no longer safe to drive on and even if they were they'd probably not be able to reach me. Our plans were ruined and so had been my mood.

"I know," Willow started in a gentle voice, "I'm sorry." She finished with a soft tone.

"It's not your fault Willow," I told her before looking outside one more time. "There's always other days," I told her before we finished up the call and I fell back onto the couch to stare blankly at the ceiling whilst in deep thought. Soon though an hour or two passed by and I heard a gentle knocking at my door. I stood up from the couch with a groan and moved to the front door. My hand reached out as I grasped the cold handle and twisted it before pulling it open. This revealed the sight of Willow at the door kicking off snow from her boots with a red face most likely due to the cold weather.

"Willow? What are you doing here? How did you get here? My driveway is covered-" My eyes shifted to her clothes completely covered in snow and her gloved hand gripping a shovel tightly beside her. Then my eyes moved to look over her shoulder to see behind her. What I saw surprised me further as Gus waved at me from his place on the freshly shoveled ground while in the act of making a snow angel. Looking back at Willow in shock I saw her smirk.

"Did you guys seriously come over here and shovel my driveway? Are you insane? Do you even realize how cold it is out there? You both better get in here now!" I punched her shoulder and she chuckled before kicking the rest of the snow off her shoes and setting the shovel against the wall of the porch. Then she took a step in and kicked her shoes off in the corner so she wouldn't track snow and mud everywhere.

"You too Agustus!" I scolded.

"Oh no, using my full name? I'm not in trouble am I?" He asked rushing to stand up before copying Willow's previous actions. Instead of responding with words I just pointed to the living room and they both made their way into it as I made my way to the kitchen. After a few minutes, I walked into the living room and handed them both cups of hot chocolate. Then I lay on the couch as they fell into gentle, quiet conversation and I closed my eyes to listen in.

"I've been messing around with this old radio in my Dad's basement," Willow started before going on with enthusiasm. "You can actually use it to talk to other people who have one." This caused me to lift my head and gaze at her in concern.

"You're not actually using it to talk to random people right?" I asked and her silence gave me my answer.

"Willow!" I exclaimed pushing myself to sit up and face her. "You don't know those people! It could be dangerous!" I scolded and she rolled her eyes.

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