Chapter Fifteen

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Time. I hated time. Its purpose, its relevance, and its importance; all lose their meaning when you start to care too much for it. Too much for how it passes and how every minute stretches on to serve only the reminder of how long you've been apart from those who you care for. I hate it so much that keeping track of it has only served to tear me apart even more on the inside. The knife cuts deeper and the realization leaves further scars on your heart and in your mind. Scars you have to carry with you that won't fade with more of it. More time only makes things worse.

Take time for granted long enough and you are only asking to endure such suffering. Nothing is guaranteed for me but the struggle of living with it. Time will not heal me in my situation now. It's limited and I'd wasted it chacing down a false hope that I could find Emira and Luz. I thought I had been prepared this time, for not the end of the world, but the end of mine. I had learned nothing from the past because I had once again lost everything. I'd been experiencing this now, not that my head or my heart had been helping me much, and my mind was lost to all the ways things could be going wrong.

And now that I was faced with another moment of horrible case of a nightmare come to life I am not prepared. I'm just scared. This wasn't easy, it was never meant to be, but that came with caring for someone. Emira and Edirc, my father, my old friends, my new friends, and Luz; the good moments I've been able to share with them made the pain that came with caring feel worth it. But it still hurt.

And now I only live through flashbacks and dancing imaginative figures, shadows of what once was. It's all I had left. But that wasn't entirely true because I had Jerbo and Viney now. I had the mystery girl on the radio who gave me a small amount of hope. Something I've been trying to avoid admitting because I didn't want to be disappointed if things went wrong. If it was all a lie or if it all fell apart. I don't think I could handle it if that turned out to be true.

"You're lucky with that." Her voice spoke up and my blurred vision focused back onto the radio in front of me as my mind returned to the present. "Being closer to the coast, you guys have far fewer monsters." She continued to further comment and my brows furrowed as I tilted my head.

"How bad it is where you're at?" I inquired curiously with a gentle tone.

"Being more inland?" She asked before pausing for a moment of thought. "This place is crawling with them. It's far more dangerous." She let out an exhausted, exaggerated sigh on her end. "Which is probably why EB reminds us to keep alert at all times. We have strong walls here at the base but still, you can never be too careful. Especially with Belos's group being far greater in numbers here." She mentioned it offhandedly but it felt like more. It was always more when it came to him and his group.

"How bad?" I questioned her, my finger tapping against the worn, aged wood of the desk in front of me.

"This is where their main base of operations is. Their lab and everything is here. There's word that Belos may be returning." Her voice trailed off in thought once more. "They must be planning something. We saw more movement at their lab but we can't get close enough to know why without getting caught." She finished off and I could hear something in the background. The frequency got lost and cut off for a moment before it tuned back in. It wasn't often when I heard anything distant from her end. It seemed she kept to herself and that this was our secret. The only one outside of us who knew was Jerbo. I couldn't bring myself to keep much from him. Especially given everything he's done for me. And he'd been the one to suggest speaking in the first place. 

But I shook my head to get my mind back on track. If what she said was true, then Belos had to be preparing for something big. Or maybe...the cure? Is he closer to developing it? Or maybe the group I'd been searching for had been getting close to him. Threatening his plans both physically and scientifically. If they could find the cure before Belos and somehow manage to stop him maybe there was a chance for us. And this reminded me of the experiments he'd been doing. "He's close..." I mumbled under my breath to myself.

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