(Genshin Impact AU) Pyro Archon Shu Kurenai x Dendro Vision Reader

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Requested: me

I really want to do this AU and you're only normal mortal, but strong one while Shu is a god.

Type of this story:
(❤ + 🍀 + 🔥)

This will be a long story, maybe.

In Sumeru
In your household

(Reader's POV)

"Ok, let's see...." I was checking the list for my adventure to other nation where Pyro Archon live.

"Medicine. Checked. Foods. Checked. Water. Checked. Potion. Checked. Alright, let's start my own journey."

After I packed my things in my backpack, I got up carrying my bag as I went out closing door slowly. I wore this and my vision:

 I wore this and my vision:

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(Your dendro vision like this, but Inazuma because reader born in Inazuma but moved to Sumeru^^)

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(Your dendro vision like this, but Inazuma because reader born in Inazuma but moved to Sumeru^^)

Until, I flinched in surprise Collei appeared out of nowhere. She smiled politely at me.

"Hey, (Y/N). Where are you going with your backpack?" She asked with curious look. I chuckled nervously.

"I'm just....go to Da-li-say. Yeah, Dalisay." I said, try to correct the spelling the nation name where Pyro Archon live with smile sheepishly.

(A/N: I just create nation name, not real in the game. And that nation not real, ok.)

Collei gave me a look and then shocked.

"You want to go there!? I mean- Dalisay, the flare of wild city?!" I nodded at her, putting on her shoulder to calm down.

"Yeah and don't worry about it. My mission is to find flare flower and brough it in here." I explained. Collei nodded understood why I'm going at there.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now