3 - Feels like I've Met this High-Ranking Demon Before...

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「You sure took care of him with style. Ah well, he deserved it.」

Humanity has grasped that the demon organization is not monolithic in nature.

However, having only entered the shallow parts of Demon Territory, details of their power structure and the like are unknown to humanity.

Pushing back the enemy assault is all humanity can do.

Whichever battlefield the Six Saviors rush to will assuredly end in victory, but the range that they can cover is limited despite their strength.

Apparently, the Orc and this beauty were in a hostile relationship.

「By the way, all I wish is to return the demon children to their homes. I don't believe fighting with you is necessary.」

I did sense the presence of those who were trapped in the cave.

They were much smaller and weaker than the Orcs, and I had planned to save them later but...

It seems that some demons were involved.

「...Well, that's all fine and dandy but I wanted to know where the sold human slaves went. You just killed the guy who'd probably know the answer to that, though.」

More than just following my mission as a Hero, this is something I wanted to do personally.

「What a coincidence. I, too, wished to know where my fellow countrymen who were sold by these people are.」


In secret business dealings between humans and demons, they use things of value rather than using each of their own currency.

I can't believe there are those who would trade people and demons, but they exist.

I don't even want to know what for.

「How about this? He had information on who he sold the humans to. I'll protect them and hand them over. ...If those children are still alive, that is.」

A very rational Majin. And yet she still thinks of her countrymen.

Our eyes met, but she grimaced.

Oh right, that's because my whole body was bright red from the blood of the Orcs.

She can't see my facial features like this.

「Don't worry, I'm already working on protecting them. To be honest, dealing with demons is tricky, even if they are victims, so you offering to return them to their homes saves me some trouble.」

「Fufu, to worry about whether demons can make it home, what a strange boy. Even so... While this is unfortunate to say, for a human to lend an ear to us demons... Only someone like him...would...」

She's mumbling to herself.

『Doing whatever you please...』

The holy sword was dissatisfied.

「It's fine. We both get back who we want to rescue, right? And we both get to pass our own judgments on the perverts who made this deal.」

It's not realistic to go door to door rescuing the illegal human slaves scattered across Demon Territory.

On the other hand, saving demon slaves trapped in the houses of rich humans won't be as hard.

We already have information on the buyers thanks to the War God's interrogations.

It's the same on the demon side.

Exchanging them once again, both sides being able to go home will cause the least trouble.

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